Catholic University Psychology Research Associate Keith Kaufman is available to discuss how mindfulness practices can help athletes improve their performance. Kaufman worked with CUA Professor Carol Glass to develop a mindfulness-based training for athletes, and has evaluated the efficacy of Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE) with archers, golfers, and long-distance runners. This research has also examined how different facets of mindfulness are related to sport anxiety, self-efficacy, and flow in athletes. Kaufman and Glass co-direct the University's Mindfulness and Sport Psychology research lab.Their MSPE training helps athletes learn how to think in the moment and direct their attention, even in times of pressure. It begins with athletes focusing on and accepting what they feel in the present moment in a sedentary state. The training then progressively introduces movement until the athletes are able to be more self-aware and at ease while participating in their sport. The training is meant to help them achieve peak performance.
For assistance in reaching Kaufman, contact Katie Lee or Mary McCarthy in the Office of Public Affairs at 202-319-5600 or cua-public-affairs@cua.edu . To search for other CUA faculty experts, visit the Faculty Experts Guide at http://publicaffairs.cua.edu/experts/.