WHAT: | Colloquium: Christians and Business: Facing the Challenge |
WHEN: | Monday, Oct. 22, and Tuesday, Oct. 23 |
WHERE: | The Catholic University of America Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center, Great Rooms A and B 620 Michigan Ave. N.E. Washington, D.C. |
DETAILS | The Catholic University of America and the Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Center of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome host the Third International Colloquium on Christian Humanism in Economics and Business. The conference will explore how the principles of Catholic social teaching relate to contemporary business practices. The organizers hope the conference assists attendees with the application of the Gospel toward the construction of a more just society, in light of the challenge Pope Benedict XVI issued in Caritas in Veritate . Questions that the conference will address are: How can the hallmarks of love and respect for creation influence supply and demand? Where is the balance between competition and charity? What do the answers to such questions imply for families, businesses, and social institutions? Among the international scholars and social entrepreneurs presenting are Valentine Rugwabiza, deputy director of the World Trade Organization; Michael Novak, former president of the American Enterprise Institute; and Andrew Abela, chair of the Department of Business and Economics at Catholic University. Registration is required. For more information, to register, or view the full program, visit http://universitysantacroce.us/ or call the Department of Business and Economics at 202-319-6286. |
SPONSORS: | The Catholic University of America Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Center of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross |
MEDIA: | To cover the event, contact Katie Lee or Mary McCarthy Hines in the Office of Public Affairs at 202-319-5600 or cua-public-affairs@cua.edu . |