Oct. 19, 2012
In an annual tradition, the Office of Campus Ministry will host an evening of Halloween games and trick-or-treating on campus for children who live in the surrounding Brookland neighborhood and children of members of the CUA community.
The celebration will take place on Thursday, Oct. 25, from 6 to 8 p.m. in Curley Court. In the case of rain, the festivities will be moved to the Great Room of the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center.
In addition to trick-or-treating, there will be a moonbounce, face painting, food, relay races, pin the tail on the cat, and more. Approximately 250 children participated in the event last year.
Throughout the evening, groups of children will be escorted door-to-door through Curley Court to receive treats.
"Halloween on Campus is an annual service event that provides the families of Brookland with a safe and fun environment for trick-or-treating and many Halloween-themed activities," says Karyn Pieciak, a sophomore nursing major from Sykesville, Md., who is helping to coordinate the event as a Brookland Outreach service leader. "It helps to create a bridge with the campus community, as well as to get the CUA students involved in service."
The Office of Campus Ministry is seeking donations of sealed or individually wrapped candy to distribute. Donations may be dropped off in the Office of Campus Ministry by Friday, Oct. 19.
Students can sign up to help with a variety of needs during the night, including setup, games, activities, food and drink distribution, and cleanup. Those interested should sign up here .
For more information, visit http://service.cua.edu/cuaserviceopportunities/halloween-on-campus.cfm or contact the Office of Campus Ministry at 202-319-5575.