Experts at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., are available to discuss the fiscal cliff.
ELECTIONS AND THE ELECTORATE - John Kenneth White , presidential scholar and professor of politics, can comment on the fiscal cliff from the perspective of previous standoffs between presidents and legislators. He is the author of Barack Obama's America: How New Conceptions of Race, Family, and Religion Ended the Reagan Era . White is a veteran source for print journalists and has made numerous television and radio appearances. He appeared recently on NPR discussing the American Dream. White can be reached at 202-319-6136 or .
ECONOMIC FACTORS IMPACTING ELECTION - Ernest Zampelli , professor of business and economics, studies applied microeconomics, public sector economics, and energy economics. He can comment on economic factors that are impacting the election, such as the role of government in a market economy, economic policy towards environment, tax policy, deficit reduction, and fiscal stimulus. Contact Zampelli at 202-319-6683 or .