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April 5, 2013
Church leaders, scholars, and policymakers will convene in Washington to animate peacebuilding efforts of the Catholic Church in the United States and explore the many ways Catholic perspectives can contribute to a wider debate on the responsibilities and opportunities for peacebuilding in U.S. foreign policy.
"Peacebuilding 2013: Pacem in Terris at 50," sponsored by a dozen leading Catholic institutions, universities, and organizations involved in peace and justice research, programming, and advocacy, will take place at The Catholic University of America, Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center, on April 9 and 10.
Pacem in Terris (peace on earth) was Pope John XXIII's papal encyclical issued April 11, 1963, which emphasized human rights as a foundation for peace, authentic development, and a just world order.
The conference is one of the principal commemorations of the anniversary of Pacem in Terris in the United States. Confirmed speakers include:
• Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace • Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. ambassador for international religious freedom • Bishop Richard Pates, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)Committee on International Justice and Peace • Carolyn Woo, president of Catholic Relief Services • Rev. Bryan Hehir, professor, Harvard's Kennedy School of Government • Maryann Cusimano Love, associate professor of politics and fellow of Catholic University'sInstitute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies • Scott Appleby, director, University of Notre Dame's Kroc Institute for International PeaceStudies• Frank Rose, deputy assistant secretary for space and defense policy, United States StateDepartment's Arms Control Bureau.
In examining issues from human rights and development to nuclear disarmament and reconciliation, speakers will consider how Pacem in Terris is a living document that remains fresh today.
"This conference brings together a diverse group of universities, Catholic institutions, and independent organizations to address the relevance of the encyclical for the U.S. Church and U.S. foreign policy today," said Jerry Powers, chairman of the Catholic Peacebuilding Network, one of the conference's sponsors.
Conference co-sponsors are Catholic University's Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies, Caritas Internationalis, Catholic Relief Services, Pax Christi International, Sant'Egidio Community in the United States, Trinity Washington University, USCCB's Office of International Justice and Peace, University of Dayton Gudorf Chair in Catholic Theology and Culture, University of Notre Dame Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of St. Thomas Department of Justice and Peace Studies, and University of San Diego Joan B. Kroc School.
The conference begins on April 9 with Mass. Plenary sessions will feature speeches by key scholars and policymakers and 12 break-out sessions on particular conference topics. The conference will conclude late afternoon on April 10.
An affiliated graduate student conference will take place on April 8 at the same location. Papers dealing with Pacem in Terris directly, the ethics and practice of peacebuilding, and related topics in the areas of theology, ethics, and political science will be presented.
For a conference schedule, visit http://iprcua.com/2013/04/09/peacebuilding-2013-pacem-in-terris-at-50-3/
MEDIA: To cover this conference, contact Katie Lee or Mary McCarthy Hines in the Office of Public Affairs at 202-319-5600.