June 18, 2014
The canonization cause for Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, who taught at Catholic University for 23 years, took another step forward this week as the seven-member theological commission that advises the Congregation of the Causes of Saints at the Vatican unanimously agreed that a reported miracle involving a stillborn baby who revived should be attributed to his intercession.
The decision by the theologians, which was announced on June 17, 2014, comes after the March 2014 vote by the team of Vatican medical experts who affirmed that they could find no natural explanation for the child's healing. With the recommendations of the medical experts and now the theologians, the case will next be reviewed by the cardinals and bishops who advise the Pope on these matters. Finally, the miracle would be presented to Pope Francis who could then officially affirm that God performed a miracle through the intercession of Fulton Sheen.According to a release issued by the Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation , the reported miracle involved a stillborn baby delivered in September 2010. The child demonstrated no signs of life as medical professionals worked for an hour, attempting every possible life-saving procedure. The child's parents and family began to pray to Sheen and after 61 minutes, the baby was revived and has recovered completely. Now three years old, the child remains in good health. Prior to finding success in the world of television with his Emmy award-winning program, "Life is Worth Living," Archbishop Sheen was a professor of philosophy and religion at The Catholic University of America from 1926 to 1950.In 2002, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky of Peoria, Ill., opened the cause for his beatification and canonization. In June 2012, Pope Benedict XVI affirmed that Sheen had lived a life of heroic virtue and holiness and gave him the title Venerable. Should Pope Francis validate this proposed miracle, Archbishop Sheen could then be declared Blessed during a beatification ceremony. An additional miracle would lead to his canonization. > For more information, visit CUA's Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen website .