WHAT: | Annual Fall Seminar: "Religion: Key to Understanding Violence and Promoting Peace in Global Times" |
WHEN: | Monday, Aug. 18, to Friday, Sept. 19 Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 9 a.m. to noon |
WHERE: | The Catholic University of America The Center for the Study of Culture and Values Gibbons Hall B-12 620 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, D.C. |
DETAILS | The Center for the Study of Culture and Values at Catholic University begins its annual fall seminar on Aug. 18 with scholars from Austria, China, India, Iran, Italy/Portugal, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Taiwan, United States, etc. The seminar will last until Sept. 19. The weekly themes will be: Week one (Aug. 18 to 22): Introduction of 12 scholars from different countries and seminar thematic introduction. Week two (Aug. 25 to 29): Understanding religion and violence: readings on Hobbes, Hegel, Marx, Arendt, Foucault, etc. Week three (Sept. 1 to 5): Understanding religion and violence: readings on Gandhi, Gramsci, Freud, Benjamin, etc. Week four (Sept. 8 to 12): Philosophical and religious reflections: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Orthodox, etc. Week five (Sept. 15 to 19): Paper presentations by the seminar participants. |
SPONSORS: | Center for the Study of Culture and Values and the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy |
CONTACT: | For more information, contact the Center for the Study of Culture and Values at 202-319-6089 or cua-cscv@cua.edu , or visit crvp.org/cscv/index.htm . |