Jan. 22, 2015
On a sunny, mild morning, hundreds of Catholic University students gathered in Caldwell Hall Jan. 22 to attend a rally before traveling to the National Mall for the 42nd Annual March for Life.
At the rally, Kyle Herrington, president of Students for Life, echoed remarks Pope Francis has made on the "throwaway culture" that pervades society.
"We now have a throwaway culture of abortion," Herrington said. "But we have to ask, 'What do we do?' ... This march is a huge symbol of our dedication to life. But we must live our dedication to life daily in service."
Herrington also reminded students that the march is "to proclaim life is a sacred and beautiful gift from our creator" and that marchers must "challenge this culture of death and demonstrate to people the joy of the gospel of life."
In his remarks, Catholic University President John Garvey recalled the biblical story of the pharaoh and the nine plagues, and the pharaoh's stubborn refusal to free the Israelites despite the plagues. He connected the story to Martin Luther King Jr., who used the pharaoh as a lesson on the nature of evil in his fight for human dignity and civil rights.
"Evil is recalcitrant and determined and never voluntarily relinquishes its hold short of a persistent, almost fanatical resistance," Garvey said in quoting King.
"We march today with a spirit of hope," Garvey added. "We may encounter apathy but we should expect that. The evil of abortion must be met with persistent, almost fanatical resistance."
Before heading to the march, students grabbed signs with messages such as, "Everyone deserves a birthday" and "Life is a gift. Protect it."
As is customary every year, the University provided overnight accommodations to teen marchers from out of town at the Raymond A. DuFour Athletic Center the night before the march.
More than 200 Catholic University students volunteered to serve as hosts for the visitors. Students helped with hospitality, such as aiding with registering visitors, serving meals, chaperoning, and laying out sleeping bags.
CUA students also served as ushers at the National Prayer Vigil for Life. The Mass, held every year on the eve of the march in the Great Upper Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, is organized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Basilica, and Catholic University.