Feb. 9, 2015
The Catholic University of America will host events in March and April to honor Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Declared venerable, Archbishop Sheen is a Catholic University alumnus who taught religion and philosophy at CUA for 23 years, and subsequently became one of the most prominent U.S. Catholic evangelists of his time.
"Venerable Fulton Sheen was an icon of Catholic America in the 1950s," said Sister Maria Frassati Jakupcak, co-chair of CUA's Fulton Sheen Legacy Committee. "This year marks the 75th anniversary of his first appearance on television."
In 1940, Archbishop Sheen appeared in the world's first Catholic TV program, "The Spiritual Symbolism of Television." Archbishop Sheen was a pioneer of the New Evangelization, using TV and radio to spread the word of God. He continued his run as a TV personality on his show "Life is Worth Living," which premiered in 1952 on the DuMont Television Network and became very popular. In 1955, ABC began broadcasting the show.
In addition to celebrating his long television and radio career, Catholic University is marking Archbishop Sheen's journey on the path to sainthood. Pope Benedict XVI declared Archbishop Sheen "venerable" in 2012, and a miracle attributed to him was approved in 2014.
"It's exciting for our students to share CUA with a venerable," said Sister Maria Frassati. "We owe it to them to make Sheen's connection to campus more widely known."
To view Catholic University's website about Archbishop Sheen visit http://fulton-sheen.cua.edu/ .
All events will be held on CUA's campus, located at 620 Michigan Ave., N.E. in Washington, D.C. They include:
• March 3, video screening of "Fulton Sheen and Catholic Teaching on the Economy" with a panel discussion led by Andrew Abela, dean of the School of Business and Economics, and Joseph Capizzi, associate professor of theology and religious studies, 7 p.m., Aquinas Auditorium
• April 13 to 17, historical exhibit about the life of Archbishop Sheen, Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center, gallery
• April 13 to 17, book display of Fulton Sheen's books, John K. Mullen of Denver Memorial Library, lobby
• April 13, discussion titled "Media and the New Evangelization" with panelists Michael Warsaw, Eternal Word Television Network CEO; Rev. Thomas Rosica, Salt and Light Media Foundation CEO; and Rev. Robert Reed, CatholicTV Network president, 7 p.m., Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center, Great Room A
• April 15, Archbishop Fulton Sheen Memorial Classroom dedication, 3 p.m., McMahon Hall• April 15, a Mass in memory of Archbishop Sheen with Rev. Andrew Apostoli, vice-postulator of the canonization cause, as homilist, 5:10 p.m., Caldwell Chapel • April 15, a holy hour in remembrance of Archbishop Sheen, 9 p.m., Caldwell Chapel