Feb. 18, 2015
The Catholic University of America is one of close to 400 universities participating in the annual RecycleMania competition. The eight-week competition runs through March 28. Competitors report the amount of recycling and trash collected each week and are ranked based on who recycles the most on a per capita basis.
To help the University's rankings, students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to place all recyclable materials in recycle bins on campus. For more information, visit http://green.cua.edu/recycling/ .
To further encourage sustainable activities on campus, Dining Services suggests students use reusable to-go containers in the student restaurant and refillable mugs at Starbucks in the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center. A punch card is available, and every time someone uses a refillable container, their card will be punched. Fifteen punches received between Feb. 16 and March 27 will earn a $5 Starbucks gift card. In addition, anyone using a reusable mug at Starbucks receives $1 off their order.
At the end of week one, CUA ranked 87 among the 174 schools in the competition division. To view results, visit http://recyclemaniacs.org/scoreboard/current-results/competition-division .