Mar. 2, 2015
Bishop Richard Moth visited Catholic University for the first time Feb. 24. The bishop, Chair of the Board of Governors for St. Mary's University in London, came to discuss the expansion of Catholic University's partnership with his institution. St. Mary's, a Catholic university, hosts CUA students for semester and yearlong stays. Bishop Moth visited with President John Garvey and Mario Ortiz, associate provost for international affairs, during his stay.
What are your impressions of the University? It's my first time at Catholic University, but not my first time in Washington, D.C. It's really a lovely sight. To have the Basilica on site is a wonderful focus for the University.
What are some similarities between Catholic University and St. Mary's University? Interestingly, our number of students is about the same as your number of undergraduate students. There is also a very clear sense of what it is to be a Catholic university. We are working towards the same mission. I think that for me this happens in a number of ways. We both agree in service to staff and students and service to the church. At St. Mary's, we really look to enable people who might not otherwise get it to get a university education. That very much ties in with service to the church in the wider world. There are quite a lot of similarities.
Do you envision an expansion of the partnership between Catholic University and St. Mary's? I hope so. That's why we are here. Already, Catholic University sends students to St. Mary's, so I would like to see us build on that...perhaps see some students coming from St. Mary's over here. Also, perhaps see what we can do with our staff. There are some opportunities for staff to come and give some papers and lectures here. I think there could be some interesting things going forward between the two institutions.
Why is the partnership between the two universities beneficial? If you think about it, we are both institutions in our respective capital cities, which is attractive for students from both universities. I think people find a friendly, family-feel on our campus and to have that while you're abroad within a supportive Catholic environment is wonderful. And you're on the doorstep of London. For our students to come here and be a part of what goes on in Washington, D.C., for a time is a learning experience. The other thing, looking at it from the Church's point of view, at a time when faith is challenged, for Catholic universities to work together produces something which is fresh and exciting, strengthens the life of the Church, and strengthens the Church's witness across borders in a world that is ever more in need of it.