April 28, 2015
America's Catholic cardinals gathered in St. Louis on April 24, raising more than $1.1 million for college scholarships at the 26th American Cardinals Dinner. The dinner was preceded by Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis.
Most Rev. Robert Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis, and John Garvey, President of Catholic University, served as co-hosts for the dinner. All proceeds from the annual event benefit Catholic University scholarship funds.
Archbishop Carlson, who is an alumnus of Catholic University, served as the principal celebrant and homilist at the Mass prior to the dinner. Visiting cardinals, bishops, and clergy concelebrated the Mass.
Six American cardinals attended the dinner, including those who currently serve or have served as archbishops of U.S. dioceses and as members of the CUA Board of Trustees.
Each year a different diocese or archdiocese hosts the black-tie event; this was the first time the dinner was been held in St. Louis.
The 25th American Cardinals Dinner was held Friday, May 30, 2014, in New York City. Past dinners have been held in such cities as Phoenix, Atlanta, Houston, Boston, Las Vegas, Miami, Minneapolis-St. Paul, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Chicago. Since its inauguration, the annual event has raised more than $30 million to support scholarships for Catholic University students. The St. Louis announcement video, which was shown at the 2014 dinner, can be seen at archstl.org/cardinalsdinner .