April 22, 2015
The Catholic University of America has been recognized as a 2014 Tree Campus by the Arbor Day Foundation - the fourth consecutive year the University has earned the distinction.
"Our tree planting and preservation program at Catholic University will ensure an outdoor environment for our campus community to enjoy and forge a green legacy for future generations," says Chris Vetick, assistant director of grounds management.
Catholic University, which is celebrating Earth Day today with a daylong series of events that include a tree planting, has more than 2,000 trees.
Tree Campus USA is a national program created in 2008 to honor colleges and universities for effective campus forest management and for engaging staff and students in the campus environment.
To earn the title, college campuses must meet five standards. These standards include a tree advisory committee, a campus tree-care plan, dedicated annual expenditures toward trees, an Arbor Day observance, and student service-learning projects.
The Office of Facilities Operations partners with Campus Ministry and student organizations such as the CUA Green Club on campus sustainability efforts.