Papal Exhibit on the Move at CUA: 8-25-08 The papal exhibit, "Together in Faith: The Pope Visits Catholic University," is on the move. See story. Commemorative Booklet of Papal Visit Available Online: 7-24-08 A commemorative booklet of Pope Benedict XVI's historic visit to The Catholic University of America in April is available online. See story. Papal Exhibit to Open at CUA: 7-22-08 A papal zucchetto, a museum-grade reproduction of the Letters of St. Peter and the chair Pope Benedict XVI used during his visit to Catholic University will be among the objects displayed as part of an exhibit that opens July 29 at CUA's Columbus School of Law. See story. 3,000 CUA Students Rock the Pope: 4-17-08 "Are you ready to rock the pope?" a Catholic University student asked about 3,000 of his fellow students assembled on the lawn of CUA's Columbus School of Law April 17. See story. Pope Benedict XVI Gives Historic Address on Catholic Education: 4-17-08 Before a packed audience of more than 400 Catholic educators gathered at The Catholic University of America, Pope Benedict XVI greeted his audience as "bearers of wisdom," invoking the prophet Isaiah's words as the opening for his speech: "How beautiful are the footsteps of those who bring good news." See story. Thousands on CUA Campus Greet Pope Benedict XVI: 4-16-08 Thousands of alumni, students and staff from The Catholic University of America gathered on the CUA campus to welcome Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday, April 16, cheering as the pontiff arrived at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. See story. Seminarians To Welcome Pope Benedict XVI to CUA's Campus: 4-16-08 A group of seminarians is gaining an experience some priests wait a lifetime for: an audience with the pope. See story. CUA Students Are Cheering About Benedict XVI: 4-15-08 Hundreds of students at The Catholic University of America are volunteering to serve thousands of their classmates and others who will gather to welcome Pope Benedict XVI when he visits the CUA campus on Thursday, April 17. See story. Catholic University Readies for Papal Visit: 4-14-08 With 13 media satellite trucks parked in front of McMahon Hall, Catholic University continues to busily prepare for the arrival of Pope Benedict XVI April 16 and April 17. See story. CUA Hosts Events to Prepare for Papal Visit: 4-14-08 For the Candlelight Rosary event, students will meet at the Office of Campus Ministry in Caldwell Hall and process outdoors through campus for an hour, making five stops. See story. Chair Unveiled for Pope Benedict XVI's CUA Visit: 4-11-08 Four Catholic University architecture students today helped unveil the chair they designed for Pope Benedict XVI, who will sit in it when he addresses more than 400 U.S. Catholic education leaders next Thursday. See story. Essay Contest Winner Will Meet Pope Benedict XVI: 4-10-08 Peter Osgood, a senior majoring in biology, was named this morning as the winner of an essay-writing contest on the theme of "How Catholic Education Has Changed My Life." See story. Delivery of CUA Papal Chair to Campus: 4-10-08 At 2 p.m. on Friday, April 11, the chair in which Pope Benedict XVI will sit during his speech at CUA will be delivered to campus. See story. Winning Papal Essay to Be Announced April 10: 4-8-08 The winner of CUA's papal essay contest, who will meet Pope Benedict XVI, will be announced at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 10, in CUA's university center. See story. Catholic University Choir Rehearses for Pope Benedict XVI: 4-7-08 "Be like a bell out there," Leo Nestor, Catholic University music professor, told his students as they rehearsed Monday, April 7, for the upcoming visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the CUA campus. See story. Choral Practice: CUA's Choir of 17 to Rehearse for Papal Visit: 4-4-08 The media is invited to cover a rehearsal at 9 a.m. Monday, April 7, of Catholic University's Choir of 17, the choral group that will sing for Pope Benedict XVI at CUA on Thursday, April 17. See story. CUA President, Several Faculty Consult for Vatican: 4-3-08 Pope Benedict XVI's April 17 visit to Catholic University - the only papally chartered university in the United States - has special significance for several members of the CUA community who also serve in a unique role as consultors to the Vatican. See story. Well-known Alums Remember John Paul II's Visit to CUA: 3-31-08 Thousands of Catholic University students are looking forward to seeing Pope Benedict XVI when he comes to campus to deliver a speech to diocesan education leaders and the presidents of U.S. Catholic colleges and universities on April 17. See story. Students to Build Chair for Pope Benedict XVI's CUA Visit: 3-26-08 When the winners of the papal design contest were chosen in late January, junior Siobhan Steen of Paris, France, who had also submitted a contest entry, was disappointed. See story. At Pope's Request, CUA Organizes Common Morality Symposium: 3-25-08 Just three weeks before Pope Benedict XVI visits Catholic University on April 17, 2008, Catholic University will host a major symposium of internationally recognized scholars, organized at the Holy Father's request. See story. Video Features CUA Students Talking about Papal Visit: 3-19-08 The Catholic University of America has produced a video featuring students sharing their thoughts about the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to CUA on April 17. See story . 128 CUA Students Write for a Chance to Meet the Pope: 3-19-08 The Office of Public Affairs was bustling March 18 as students filed in throughout the day to meet the deadline for turning in their essays for a chance to meet Pope Benedict XVI when he visits Catholic University on April 17. See story. CUA Launches E-mail Listserv for Papal Visit News: 3-19-08 The Catholic University of America has launched an e-mail listserv through which readers can sign up to receive e-mail news updates about Pope Benedict XVI's visit to CUA on April 17. See story. CUA Invites Students from Other Area Colleges to Greet the Pope: 3-14-08 Catholic University's president, Very Rev. David M. O'Connell, C.M., has invited students from other Washington, D.C., area Catholic colleges and universities to join the CUA community in welcoming Pope Benedict XVI to campus on April 17. See story. CUA President Announces Judges for Papal Essay Contest: 3-13-08 Very Rev. David M. O'Connell, president of Catholic University, has assembled a panel of judges to recommend a winner and runner-up in the Papal Visit - Student Essay Contest. See story. Papal Mass Furnishings Taking Shape at CUA and Maryland Workshops: 3-11-08 CUA architecture students John-Paul Mikolajczyk and Ryan Mullen didn't travel far for spring break. In fact, they spent most of their time off during the first week of March at work, helping to build the altar and chair to be used at the April 17 papal Mass in Washington, D.C. See story. CUA Staff Remember Last Papal Visit: 3-5-08 The Catholic University of America has produced a 10-minute video in which three staff members recount their experiences of the 1979 visit of Pope John Paul II. See story.
Students Write for a Chance to Meet Pope Benedict XVI: 3-3-08 Millions of people dream of meeting the pope. For Catholic University students, that dream is just 500 words away. See story.
CUA Students Begin Spring Break Praying with Pope Benedict XVI: 3-1-08 On Saturday, March 1, the first day of spring break, about 100 Catholic University students took part in the Sixth European Day for University Students with Pope Benedict XVI presiding via satellite from Vatican City. See story.
New Hampshire Ceremony Honors CUA Student Winner of Papal Design Contest: 2-20-08 Ryan Mullen, one of the winners of a design contest for the altar and other sanctuary furnishings at the Mass that Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate in Washington, D.C., will be honored during a presentation at his high school alma mater. See story.
CUA Students to Pray Rosary with Pope Benedict XVI via Satellite: 2-19-08 On Saturday, March 1, about 100 Catholic University students will begin their spring break in one of the university's campus chapels by taking part in the Sixth European Day for University Students with Pope Benedict XVI presiding via satellite. See story.
Student Winners of Papal Design Contest Announced at CUA: 1-28-08 The winning architectural design by two Catholic University students for a 10-by-4-foot papal altar and a pulpit, lectern and chair that Pope Benedict XVI will use when he celebrates Mass in Washington, D.C., was unveiled today at The Catholic University of America, D.C., in partnership with the Archdiocese of Washington. See story.
Student Winner of Papal Design Contest to Be Announced Today: 1-28-08 The winning architectural design for the papal altar, chair and pulpit for Pope Benedict XVI's Mass in Washington, D.C., will be unveiled at 1 p.m. today at The Catholic University of America, D.C., in partnership with the Archdiocese of Washington. See story.
Bishops' Conference Releases U.S. Papal Visit Logo: 12-19-07 The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has released a logo commemorating Pope Benedict XVI's April 2008 visit to the United States. See story.
CUA Launches Web Site for Pope Benedict's April 2008 Visit to Campus: 11-30-07 The Catholic University of America has launched a Web site dedicated to the April 17, 2008, visit of Pope Benedict XVI to CUA. See story.
Pope Benedict XVI to Visit Catholic University on April 17, 2008: 11-12-07 Very Rev. David M. O'Connell, C.M., president of The Catholic University of America, has confirmed the announcement by His Excellency, The Most Rev. Pietro Sambi, apostolic nuncio to the United States, that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI will visit the campus of Catholic University in Washington, D.C., on Thursday afternoon, April 17, 2008. See story.