Aug. 7, 2015
We asked CUA Magazine readers through social media, "What's the best career advice you ever received?" We could not fit all responses in the summer 2015 special issue on careers. In this web extra, we share more great tips from readers.
Be courageous enough to pursue your dreams, or else someone will pay you to help accomplish theirs. That's not to say everyone has to be an entrepreneur or that those working for a company or for someone else aren't accomplishing their dreams. The way I interpret that advice is simply, identify what you want and don't be afraid to go after it, because if you don't, your true gifts and passions may just get lost in the shuffle. Alexa Doncsecz, B.S. 2013
Work at something as if you own it. If you don't, you just have a job and not a career. Working like you own the business will help you gain a greater appreciation and ownership of what you do, and not what you do for the owner. Peter A. Scalzitti, B.A. 1998
My mother always told me three things: 1. Being bilingual gives you an edge. 2. It's all about networking. 3. Get your master's degree while you're young. I speak Spanish, I'm always respectful to my colleagues, and I got my master's degree shortly after getting my undergraduate degree. What do I have now? A job that needs all of those things (I teach English language learners in an urban school district) and one that I happen to love! Stephanie Parsons, B.A. 2006 Two comments: 1. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 2. No one's asking you to like it. They're just asking you to do it. And to do it WELL. M.C. Mairena, Ph.D. 2007
In deciding whether you take that job or not ... be happy. Karl Fritz, B.A.G.S. 1985
Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets you. Dean Tow, B.A. 1976
I didn't receive this advice myself, but I saw a quote from Nick Offerman (of [the television show] Parks and Recreation) that I think is excellent advice for choosing a career path: "Find out what you love to do. Devise a way to get paid for it." Jessica Cashin, B.A. 2013
In this regard, a person is like a company. Every year a company must determine what new products and services to offer and the value it creates. A person must do the same. One must always be looking to improve the skills and capabilities in one's personal portfolio and constantly thinking about how to add new value. Jim Chapman, B.A. 1983
A career should be doing something you love, and getting paid for it. A job is getting paid for services rendered. Know the difference! Anthony Dalasio, B.A. 2013