Oct. 5, 2015
The National Catholic School of Social Service (NCSSS) Center on Global Aging (COGA) is hosting the 2015 Bill Bechill and Daniel Thursz Memorial Lecture on Thursday, Oct. 8, from 4 to 7 p.m.
The lecture celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Great Society Programs by exploring Medicare, Medicaid, and the Older American Acts. Two nationally known speakers, Rob Hudson and Percil Stanford, will reflect on the importance of these programs and the future of an aging America.
Hudson is a professor and chair of the Department of Social Welfare Policy at Boston University School of Social Work and currently serves as editor of Public Policy and Aging Report. He is also a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and an elected member of the National Academy of Social Insurance, where he chairs the John A. Heinz Dissertation Award Committee. Hudson has received the Donald Kent Award from GSA and the Arthur S. Flemming Award from the National Association of State Units on Aging.
Stanford is the president of both Folding Voice LLC, and Kind Corporation, a California-based group that provides low-income housing to older adults. Prior to this, Stanford spent 30 years as a professor and director of the University Center on Aging at San Diego State University. He was also the senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer at AARP in 2010.
"Dr. Stanford and Dr. Hudson are experts in the aging policies being addressed and were chosen for their expertise and long experience in the field," says Kendra Kuehn, social worker and center coordinator for COGA.
COGA is dedicated to fostering vital and meaningful lives for older adults world-wide with emphasis on social work values, particularly respect for diversity and self-determination of older persons.
"COGA hosts the memorial lectures to promote the study of aging and introduce students to topics in aging, as we hope to foster interest among students and the community," said Kuehn. "Policies such as the Older Americans Act, Medicare, and Social Security help older adults' access services, stay independent, and avoid poverty - these are crucial programs to our aging population." Kuehn adds that since the event is free and open to the public, it is a great networking opportunity for students.
The lecture will be held in the Edward J. Pryzbyla Center, Great Room B, with a networking reception to follow. For further information, visit coga.cua.edu. Contact Kendra Kuehn at kuehn@cua.edu for information about complimentary social work CEUs (2 credits). For information on disability accommodations, call 703-300-1524.