Nov. 23, 2015
Catholic University will celebrate the Christmas season with events that take place over the course of the next month. Unless otherwise noted, events will occur on campus. Thanksgiving with Father Jude On Thursday, Nov. 26, at 1 p.m., Rev. Jude DeAngelo, O.F.M. Conv., University chaplain and director of Campus Ministry, will host a free meal for students on campus for Thanksgiving. Dinner will be served in the Curley Hall dining hall. Registration is required by Tuesday, Nov. 24. For more information or to register, visit ministry.cua.edu. "Light the Season" Tree Lighting Ceremony On Friday, Dec. 4, at 5:30 p.m., the Office of the President, Campus Ministry, and the Office of Campus Activities present the University Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in the atrium of the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center. Annual Christmas Concert for Charity On Friday, Dec. 4, at 7:30 p.m., the 26th annual Christmas Concert for Charity will take place at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Great Upper Church. The concert will feature the CUA Choruses and Symphony Orchestra, as well as the Basilica Choir.A freewill offering will be taken at intermission. Proceeds from the concert benefit the Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts based in Washington, D.C. For more information, visit music.cua.edu/performance-calendar.cfm. Greccio On Sunday, Dec. 6, at 6:30 p.m., Campus Ministry and the Office of Campus Activities present the Greccio (live Nativity) and caroling at St. Vincent de Paul Chapel. A reception will follow. St. Vincent's chapel. For more information, email cua-activities@cua.edu. CUA Women's Chorus Christmas Concert On Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 8 p.m., the CUA Women's Chorus will perform its annual concert. The theme is the Immaculate Conception. The concert will take place at St. Peter's Catholic Church on Capitol Hill with St. Peter's Choir. Kevin O'Brien is the conductor. For more information, visit music.cua.edu/performance-calendar.cfm. CUA Wind Ensemble Concert On Monday, Dec. 14, at 7:30 p.m., the ensemble will perform in Hartke Theatre. The conductors are John Mitchell and Michael Smith. For more information, visit music.cua.edu/performance-calendar.cfm.