Feb. 29, 2016
On March 17, The Catholic University of America will host "On Care for Our Common Home: Background, Contributions, and Beyond." The one-day symposium will feature guest speakers who will explore the political, theological, and scientific backgrounds, contributions, and implications of Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical Laudato Si '.The purpose of the symposium is to continue the dialogue begun in the encyclical. Sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the goal of this Science for Seminaries event is to facilitate communication between scientific and religious communities. Science for Seminaries provides the educational resources for religious leaders and teachers of theology to incorporate science into their theological dialogues.The document makes a plea for "ecological conversion" and tells us to "learn from one another." The conference speakers are dedicated to Pope Francis's vision and will address the topic of ecological conversion through an examination of theology, global politics, spirituality, and science.Monsignor Kevin Irwin, S.T.D., who holds the Monsignor Walter J. Schmitz, S.S. Chair of Liturgical Studies at CUA, will begin the day discussing the context and text of the encyclical. Rev. Christopher J. Renz, O.P., assistant professor of religion at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology will then give his lecture, "Concerning the times and the seasons - a Catholic approach to sustainable food production and consumption."The afternoon session will begin with Doris Donnelly, professor emerita of theology at John Carroll University, who will speak on "Ramifications of the Praise Elicited in Laudato Si' ." Finally, Paulo Puccini, C.S.P., from St. Paul's College will lead a panel discussion titled "The Science in Laudato Si : An Assessment and Beyond.""It is my hope and prayer that this day will be a time of learning and mutual enrichment, academically, spiritually, and personally for us, for those we serve, and the world at large," said Monsignor Irwin. The symposium will take place in Caldwell Auditorium from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will include a banquet lunch, coffee, and light refreshments.CUA faculty, staff, alumni, and students, and non-CUA affiliates can register at engage.catholic.edu/OurCommonHome . Registration for this event closes Friday, March 11, at 5 p.m.For more information or to request accommodations for individuals with disabilities, please contact the School of Theology and Religious Studies at 202-319-5683.