Sept. 27, 2016
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) During Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, Catholic University's Catholics for Family Peace Education and Research Initiative is offering a toolkit with resources for abuse victims and organizations that support them.
The Domestic Violence Toolkit includes sample intercessory prayer and homilies as well as weekly features on a saint or blessed connected to this issue and on the practice of a specific virtue to guide pastoral care leaders helping those who deal with domestic violence.
It also features a section on social media, links to a number of resources including the work of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on the issue, and information on Catholic Charities USA's work with survivors of domestic violence.
Catholics for Family Peace, which is part of the University's National Catholic School of Social Service, promotes the Catholic response of care, concern, and compassion to domestic abuse and violence. The toolkit can be used to create or enhance a parish, diocesan, or Catholic group's participation in the national awareness program, which is held annually.
Catholics for Family Peace recommends consulting the toolkit to:
Connect with daily posts on social media, using Facebook (Catholics for Family Peace); and Twitter -@CFFamilyPeace. Join Catholics for Family Peace in a daily moment of prayer at 3 p.m. for those harmed by domestic violence. Join Catholics For Family Peace on Friday, Oct. 28, the Feast of St. Jude, Patron Saint of Impossible Causes, to hold in prayer those harmed by domestic violence.
MEDIA : For more information, contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at cua-public-affairs@cua.edu or 202-319-5600.