August 19, 2021
Experts at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., are available to discuss the upcoming 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.
Catholic University has professors available to comment on topics related to U.S. intelligence, peacebuilding, international law, ethics, peace and war, and trauma.
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- Intelligence — Nicholas Dujmovic, clinical assistant professor of intelligence studies, (, can comment on U.S. intelligence before 9/11 and its contribution to the war on terror afterwards. Dujmovic can also speak about the context of the use of enhanced interrogation techniques on terrorist suspects and detainees.
Dujmovic is a frequent source for stories on intelligence and has been quoted in and published commentary in a number of outlets including The Washington Post and New York Times.
- Peacebuilding & Personal Reflection — Maryann Cusimano Love, associate professor, international relations (, can comment on preparing for the future/peacebuilding, religious freedom, U.S. foreign policy, globalization, ethics and international security, and nuclear weapons policy.
She serves on Pope Francis' COVID-19 Security Task Force, the Advisory Board of the Arms Control Association, the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ International Justice and Peace Committee, and the Advisory Board of the Catholic Peacebuilding Network.
She’s done research in Iraq on the resilience of the Christian community for the Cambridge University Press book Under Caesar's Sword (2019). She contributed a book chapter, "Christian Transnational Actors Respond to Persecution.”
Her recent international relations books include Beyond Sovereignty: Issues for a Global Agenda and Morality Matters: Ethics and the War on Terrorism.
Love was teaching a class on terrorism at the Pentagon in the fall of 2001. Car troubles kept her from class on Sept. 11.
- International Law — Antonio Perez, professor of law (, was a State Department lawyer before Sept. 11 working on counter-terrorism and international criminal law. He can address these topics, as well as nuclear nonproliferation, and domestic and international legal issues relating to the use of force. He has written about and taught constitutional law relating to war powers and the role of international law in U.S. courts.
- Ethics & Peace and War — Joseph Capizzi, professor of moral theology and ethics (, can comment on religious attitudes toward terror and security, peace and war, stewardship and ethics, virtue theology, law and religion, and human rights. He teaches in the areas of social and political theology, with special interests in issues of peace and war, citizenship, political authority, and Augustinian theology. He also serves as the executive director of the Institute for Human Ecology.
He has written, lectured, and published widely on just war theory, bioethics, the history of moral theology, and political liberalism.
- Trauma and Vicarious Traumatization (VT) — Eileen Dombo, associate professor of social work, (, can comment on trauma and vicarious trauma -- the trauma absorbed by those who are working empathetically with those who are directly impacted by tragedies. Her expertise includes clinical social work practice/psychotherapy, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), workforce health, and moral injury.
Dombo has more than 15 years experience in trauma treatment and services to sexual abuse survivors as a direct service practitioner, supervisor, and clinical director. In addition, she has worked with many organizations to address issues of vicarious trauma and burn-out in social workers.