Catholic University welcomed to campus the Class of 2026 with characteristic Cardinal cheer on Thursday, August 25, the first day of a fun-filled first weekend. Fresh faces for returning students included new University President Dr. Peter Kilpatrick and the Campus Ministry chaplains, who also introduced themselves to new arrivals as they moved into their dorms. First-year students and their parents, many of whom are alumni, celebrated the next generation of Cardinals with food and fellowship. Events for new students included orientation, meet-and-greets with campus faculty and staff, and icebreakers. Here’s to a great year!
Student orientation leaders gathered together before greeting new students.
Move-in crews greeted first-year students at their new home, helping them unload and move into their dorms.
Campus Ministry Associate Chaplain Fr. Frassati Davis speaks with a new student.
First-year students and parents listening to presenters at one of the orientation sessions.
President Kilpatrick welcomes the incoming Class of 2026 and their families at Orientation 2022 in Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center on Thursday afternoon.
Alumni parents of first-year students celebrate the next generation of Cardinals.