May 26, 2017

Rev. Paul Sullins, research professor, sociology, and Andreas Widmer, director, entrepreneurship, were quoted in a National Catholic Register story on the “Peter Pan Epidemic.”

... Today’s extended adolescence “is largely a result of two social trends — the rising age of marriage, now pushing 30, a function of increasing years of education, and the sexual revolution,” Father Paul Sullins, a sociologist at The Catholic University of America, told the Register. ...

But Andreas Widmer, director of the Entrepreneurship Programs at The Catholic University of America’s Busch School of Business, was more cautious about defining present trends and has worked with many college students eager to make their way in the world.

“A variety of students come through CUA, so making broad generalizations is dangerous and imprecise,” said Widmer, a former Swiss Guard and the author of The Pope & The CEO: Pope John Paul II’s Lessons to a Young Swiss Guard, a book exploring leadership lessons that Widmer learned serving as a Swiss Guard. ...

Continue reading in National Catholic Register.

  • May 26, 2017

    May 26, 2017