Laura Mayhall, associate professor, history, was quoted in The Express about British royal family-celebrity protocol in the context of history.
Read MoreMaryann Cusimano Love, professor, international relations, was quoted in Catholic News Service about banning lethal autonomous weapons systems, based on work she's doing for Pope Francis' Security Task Force on the ethics of emerging technologies.
Read MoreDaniel Svogun, assistant professor, finance, was featured in WalletHub about cashing in on credit card rewards.
Read MoreCatholic University and University President John Garvey was quoted in Catholic News Service about the University’s commencement.
Read MoreThe Arlington Catholic Herald reposted CatholicU’s story about the University opening its new Alexandria, VA. center.
Read MoreDavid Jobes, professor, psychology, was featured in Catholic News Agency about a recent study of his CAMS treatment for reducing suicidal ideation.
Read MoreJohn White, professor of politics, published commentary in The Hill about why the idea of a ‘responsible’ party government is dead.
Read MoreIshitani Silva, a doctoral candidate in physics, was featured on Catholic News Service about her work at NASA and the announcement of the multimillion-dollar NASA contract that funds the Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology II/ CRESST II.
Read MoreChen Guangcheng, distinguished fellow IPR; and William Saunders, director, professor and law fellow, human rights, were interviewed by EWTN News In Depth and mentioned in National Catholic Register about the dangers of the communist party and human rights violations in China.
Read MoreTimothy McDonnell, associate professor and head, Sacred Music, was quoted in National Catholic Register about the Gregorian chant.
Read MoreMichael Stromberg, musical theater major; and Hannah Cundey, marketing major, were interviewed by National Catholic Register about their experience and challenges they faced as a senior graduating this year.
Read MoreJem Sullivan, visiting associate professor, catechetics, published commentary in Our Sunday Visitor, and quoted in Crux about Pope Francis renewing the ministry of catechism for the New Evangelization.
Read MoreCatholic University was featured in Philanthropy News Digest about the announcement of the Conways pledging an additional $20 million to CatholicU nursing students.
Read MoreThe Metropolitan School of Professional Studies was listed in Federal Times about offering the Federal Academic Alliance program for federal employees looking to obtain a bachelors or masters degree to further their government careers.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey; Sean Sullivan, director, athletics, were quoted; and Mike Gutelius, head football coach, was featured in Catholic News Agency about Gutelius’ football program and how he trains his players in the cardinal virtues and introduces them to faith to become a better team.
Read MoreDavid Jobes, professor, psychology, was interviewed by USA Today about Meghan Markle’s interview and the dangers of not believing people who are suicidal.
Read MoreDuilia de Mello, vice provost, global strategies, and professor, physics, was featured in Sky and Telescope about her project on collaborating with amateur astrophotographers in Brazil to get deep images of galaxies.
Read MoreRobert Miller, professor, Old Testament, associate dean, graduate studies, was quoted in Associated Press about the Bible President Biden used to take his oath of office.
Read MoreNicholas Dujmovic, assistant professor of politics, was quoted in The New York Times about CIA's recent warning to former employees about the need to keep secrets.
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