Karna Lozoya, executive director, strategic communications, was mentioned in The Atlantic about The Catholic Project’s podcast, “Crisis: Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church” listed as one of the 50 Best Podcasts of 2020.
Read MoreCatholic University was mentioned in CNN Opinion about the Tucson program helping immigrant communities.
Read MoreMichael New, visiting assistant professor, social research and political science, was mentioned in Catholic News Agency about Massachusetts governor budget plan that includes provisions to expand access to abortion.
Read MoreMelissa Moschella, assistant professor, philosophy, published commentary on First Things and mentioned in Aleteia about the COVID-19 vaccine and the pro-life movement.
Read MoreMaryann Cusimano Love, associate professor, international relations, was quoted in National Catholic Register about finding a balanced solution to dealing with the pandemic requires dialogue and engagement between people of opposing views that Pope Francis talks about in “Fratelli Tutti.”
Read MoreMatthew Green, professor, politics, was interviewed by American Enterprise Institute (AEI) podcast about how the House organizes itself after an election.
Read MoreLee Edwards, professor of politics, was mentioned in the Washington Business Journal about D.C.'s newest private museum that will be dedicated to the victims of communism.
Read MoreElena Nuñez Murdock, distinguished fellow, Ciocca Center, was featured in Crux about launching a new venture, Mission to Launch, to help those trained in ministry apply skills in the secular world.
Read MoreNicholas Dujmovic, assistant professor of politics, was quoted in The Washington Post about Jerrold M. Post's passing, a pioneering psychological profiler for the CIA.
Read MoreUniversity President Garvey was mentioned in an America article on Catholic Supreme Court justices.
Read MoreHeather Graham, university researcher, was quoted in a Chemical & Engineering News story on chemical signs of life beyond earth.
Read MoreThe University’s partnership with Pima Community College was mentioned in a KGUN 9 news story on an avenue for economic development in the Tucson area.
University President Garvey reflected on the still and quiet of the pandemic in his Catholic News Service column (via The Pilot).
Read MoreAaron Dominguez, provost, was named an American Association for the Advancement of Science fellow.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey was mentioned in a Catholic News Service story report (via Crux) for participating in Covenant House’s annual Sleep Out.
Read MorePaul Scherz, associate professor, moral theology and ethics, was quoted in Catholic News Service via Catholic Philly about Catholic medical ethicists.
Read MoreVery Reverend Mark Morozowich, dean and associate professor, liturgical studies and sacramental theology; and Maria Cecilia Ulrickson, assistant professor, American church history, were quoted in Catholic News Service via Our Sunday Visitor, and The Arlington Catholic Herald about the beatification of Rev. Michael McGivney and the archives collection on his legacy and impact on the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.
Read MoreGil Barndollar, senior fellow, CSS, published commentary on the National Interest on how to fix America’s foriegn policy.
Read MoreJulia Young, associate professor, history, was interviewed by This Morning radio show about Mexico's request for an apology from Spain and the Vatican.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey published commentary on The Dialog about focusing on real principles of democracy with Amy Coney Barrett’s Senate confirmation.
Read MoreRoger Colinvaux, director, law and public policy program, and professor, law, was quoted by The Chronicle of Philanthropy about foundations shifting more dollars into donor-advised funds and how it’s violating the spirit of the rules.
Read MoreMaryann Cusimano Love, associate professor, international relations, was interviewed by Vatican News about the coronavirus and explores areas where social inequalities are further exacerbated, and calls for a global ceasefire as invoked by Pope Francis and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
Read MoreMichael Pakaluk, professor, ethics and social research, published commentary on The Catholic Thing about his take on the purpose of the encyclical.
Read MoreCatherine Pakaluk, director and assistant professor, social research, published commentary of First Things and quoted in Catholic News Agency, examines a study “Car Seats As Contraception” and how car seat laws affect birth rates.
Read MoreCatherine Pakaluk, director and assistant professor, social research, was interviewed by the Crux about her research project examining the contours of American childbearing and family formation.
Read MoreAaron Dominguez, provost, and professor, physics, was interviewed by The Cardinal Newman Society about the unique offerings, and Catholic identity of Catholic University.
Read MoreJustin Logan, director of programs, and research fellow, was quoted in VOX about Sen. Kamala Harris and forgien policy.
Read MoreSusan Timoney, associate dean, undergraduate studies, and associate professor, practice pastoral studies, was quoted in the National Catholic Reporter about Catholic women in lay ministry.
Read MoreJohn Kenneth White, professor, politics, was interviewed by Catholic News Service about Trump’s executive actions regarding the pandemic and emergency response.
Read MoreAaron Dominguez, provost, and professor, physics, was interviewed by Our Sunday Visitor about what he has learned about CatholicU’s mission amid the pandemic and the challenges this year.
Read MoreC.J. Howard, assistant professor, architecture and planning, published commentary on Congress for New Urbanism about a proposal for an augmented confederate memorial site in Richmond.
Read MoreNicholas Dujmovic, assistant professor, intelligence studies, was quoted in The New York Times about the U.S. political influence operations.
Read MoreJohn Kenneth White, professor, politics, published commentary in The Hill about looking at the past and current presidents in a crisis and what it reveals about their presidency.
Read MoreMaryann Cusimano Love, associate professor, international relations, was quoted in Aleteia about the 75th anniversary of the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and the meaning and implications of the United States’ decision to use the weapons at an online forum.
Read MoreCatherine Pakaluk, assistant professor, social research and economic thought, was quoted in Catholic News Agency about a report that showed the economic shock caused by COVID-19, and social effects of the pandemic, could trigger a sharp decline in births.
Read MoreSarah Duggin, professor, law, was quoted in a Politifact about misinformation of Sen. Kamala Harris and the Constitutional Law of becoming President.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey published commentary on The Boston Pilot about the establishment clause in the First Amendment.
Read MoreAntonio Perez, professor, law, was interviewed by Catholic News Agency about a statement from the military bishop of Germany regarding ICC jurisdiction over U.S. soldiers.
Read MoreDuilia de Mello, professor, physics, published commentary on Scientific American about the importance of inspiring young girls to study science.
Read MoreAndrew Yeo, associate professor, politics, published commentary on The Diplomat about the president of South Korea, Moon Jae-in government's new southern policy.
Read MoreJohn Kenneth White, professor, politics, published commentary in The Hill about comparing the presidential election in 1980 to now.
Read MoreMsgr. Stephen Rossetti, research professor, pastoral studies, was featured in Catholic News Service about his recent talk at the Museum of the Bible about his work with the Washington Nationals.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey published commentary on Catholic Philly about religious neutrality.
Read MoreStephen West, associate professor, history, was interviewed by EWTN News Nightly about confederate statues being removed.
Read MoreJack Yoest, assistant professor of practice, leadership and management, published commentary on The Stream about management challenges in the post pandemic workforce.
Read MoreBradley Lewis, associate professor, philosophy, was quoted in the The National Catholic Register about Catholic statues being vandalized.
Read MoreJohn Kenneth White, professor, politics, published commentary in The Hill about Maryland’s governor, Larry Hogan.
Read MoreRobin Puttock, visiting assistant professor, architecture, was interviewed by Catholic News Service via Crux about her neuroarchitecture class and how architectural workspace affects mental health.
Read MoreCatholic University was mentioned in Slate Magazine about plans on reopening for the fall semester.
Read MoreLivia Lopes, assistant director, Latin American and Iberian Initiative, was interviewed by CNN Brasil on the new guidelines for the Fall 2020 semester announced by ICE with an impact on international students.
Read MoreNicholas Dujmovic, assistant professor, intelligence studies, published commentary in The Hill about the alleged Russian bounty scheme.
Read MoreMsgr. Stephen Rossetti, research professor, pastoral studies, was featured in WUSA9 about speaking at the Museum of the Bible about his work with the Washington Nationals.
Read MoreLawrence Grayson, visiting scholar, philosophy, published commentary in the National Catholic Register about the Declaration of Indepence and the values which this country was founded on.
Read MoreJo Ann Regan, dean, social service; and Thomas Smith, dean, arts and sciences, were mentioned in The Chronicle of Higher Education about being appointed to deans at Catholic University.
Read MoreChris Lydon, vice president for enrollment management and marketing, was quoted in Education Dive, about the University no longer considering ACT or SAT scores in admissions decisions.
Read MoreMichael New, visiting assistant professor, social research and political science, was quoted in Associated Press News about the Supreme court’s decision on Medical Services v. Russo.
Read MoreChris Lydon, vice president for enrollment management and marketing, was quoted in The Wall Street Journal about how the pandemic has shifted the landscape for colleges.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey published commentary on The Hill about the Supreme Court's DACA ruling.
Read MoreDavid Cloutier, associate professor, moral theology and ethics, published commentary on Commonweal about "reopening" and prudence.
Read MoreChristopher Howard, assistant professor, architecture and planning, published commentary on The Hill about the fate of confederate memorials.
Read MoreJustin Logan, director of programs, and research fellow, was quoted in VOX about President Trump and John Bolton’s foreign policy.
Read MoreGil Barndollar, military fellow, published commentary on Business Insider about the impact of the Caesar Act in Syria.
Read MoreCatholic University was mentioned in USA Today about the challenges of the Supreme Court’s ruling on on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Read MoreNicholas Dujmovic, assistant professor, intelligence studies, was quoted in The New York Times about CIA recruiting practices.
Read MoreMatthew Green, professor, politics, was quoted in two Washington Examiner pieces about his analysis on the current presidential polls.
Read MoreMichael Kimmage, professor, history, published commentary on The American Interest about his review of Ideological Storms and its relevance to current politics.
Read MoreCatholic University was featured in BizEd about the partnership with Pima Community College in Tucson, AZ to create a collaborative program in business management.
Read MoreDavid Cloutier, associate professor, moral theology and ethics, published commentary on Church Life Journal about immigration.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey was quoted by Inside Higher Ed, and Washington Examiner about the challenges of the Supreme Court’s ruling on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Read MoreMsgr. Stephen Rossetti, research professor, pastoral studies, was interviewed by Relevant Radio about the priesthood during the COVID-19 crsis.
Read MoreJulia Young, associate professor, history, was interviewed by Voice of America about her upbringing and path to advocacy.
Read MoreMichael Pakaluk, professor, ethics and social philosophy, published commentary on The Boston Pilot about looking back at the "Day of Pardon" and the purpose of the ceremony including racism and the dignity of women.
Read MoreRoger Colinvaux, director, law and public policy program, and professor, law, was quoted in Bloomberg about donor-advised funds.
Read MoreCatholic University and University President Garvey was mentioned in Politico about the University’s plan to reopen campus and having in person classes for the fall semester. The University and President Garvey was also mentioned in Catholic Philly via Catholic News Service about graduation plans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreChen Guangcheng, distinguished fellow, IPR, published commentary on Newsweek about Hong Kong and the U.S. response.
Read MoreChad Pecknold, associate professor, theology, published commentary on First Things about the Corpus Christi Procession.
Read MoreMichael New, visiting assistant professor, social research and political science, published commentary on National Catholic Register and interviewed by "A Closer Look" via Relevant Radio about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on abortion rates in the U.S. and suggests how pro-lifers can respond.
Read MoreBradley Lewis, associate professor, philosophy, published commentary on National Catholic Register on how Catholic faith and Catholic intellectual tradition can help us make sense of these unprecedented challenges.
Read MoreJoseph Capizzi, professor of moral theology and director of IHE, was mentioned in Catholic News Service about an online event about the coronavirus economic response where he moderated and touched on the principles of Catholic social teaching.
Read MoreJohn Kenneth White, professor, politics, published commentary on The Hill about political polarization.
Read MoreFr. Michael Witczak, associate professor, liturgical studies and sacramental theology, was quoted in The New York Times about the sacrament of the sick during the coronavirus pandemic.
Read MoreThe Center for Academic and Career Success, and Ryane Cheatham, associate director for employer relations and assessment, was mentioned in University Business about the Center’s resources for students who lost internships due to coronavirus pandemic and connecting students to micro-internships.
Read MoreAaron Dominguez, provost, and professor, physics, was mentioned in American Institute of Physics about being nominated to serve on the National Science Board.
Read MoreJack Yoest, assistant professor, leadership and management, published commentary on National Catholic Register about looking at the total costs in a Pandemic.
Read MoreCatholic University and University President John Garvey was mentioned in Politico Education about the announcement that the University will no longer consider ACT or SAT scores in admissions decisions.
Read MoreChristopher Russell, researcher, physics, was mentioned in Nasa about presenting "Galactic Center VR" a new visualization that allows people to experience 500 years of cosmic evolution around the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
Read MoreAntonio Perez, professor, law, was interviewed by Catholic News Agency about President Trump announcing to send U.S. troops into states to quell riots and the laws behind it.
Read MoreCatholic University was listed on Yahoo Finance about being ranked by Digital Marketing Agency Rating Platform as one of the top marketing schools in the U.S. that brands can hire high quality talent from.
Read MoreMichael New, visiting assistant professor, social research and political science, published commentary on National Review about an administrative ruling that Missouri must renew the license of the Planned Parenthood facility in St. Louis.
Read MoreDuilia de Mello, professor, physics, vice-provost, global strategies, was interviewed by CNN Brasil about the arrival of the SpaceX mission at the International Space Station.
Read MoreFr. John Beal, professor, canon law, was quoted in Crux about the Catholic church’s “zero tolerance” policy.
Read MoreLivia Lopes, assistant director of the Latin American Initiative, was interviewed by CBN Radio Station on the latest developments in Latin America, Brazil and the US.
Read MoreThe Arlington Catholic Herald reposted Catholic University's “Virtual Degree Conferral 2020” story, about President John Garvey and Chancellor Archbishop Wilton Gregory conferred degrees on 2020 graduates in virtual ceremonies on May 16, 2020.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey was quoted in Catholic News Agency about Catholic University partnering with Holy Family College to enroll students.
Read MoreStephen White, executive director, Catholic Project, published commentary on The Catholic Thing about Catholic schools and common good.
Read MoreRobert Destro, professor, law, and assistant secretary of State for Human Rights, Democracy and Labor, was mentioned in USA Today about President Trump wanting to regulate social media platforms.
Read MoreMichael Pakaluk, professor, ethics and social philosophy, published commentary on The Catholic Thing about what we can learn from video Masses about Mass and how it does not substitute for an in person Mass.
Read MoreMichael Cozzi, Ph.D candidate, published commentary, and Marshall Breger, professor, Law, was quoted in Newsmax about Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Benjamin Gantz who will become prime minister.
Read MoreChristauria Welland, faculty associate, Catholics For Family Peace Education and Research Initiative, was interviewed by Catholic News Service about calling domestic violence 'pandemic within a pandemic'.
Read MoreBrother Andrew Corriente, fourth year graduate, divinity, was featured in Washingtonian, Fox5, WUSA9, Catholic News Service, Catholic Standard, and 13 News Now, about baking over 1,600 cookies for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington’s food distribution.
Read MoreThe announcement of the new architecture and planning dean, Mark Ferguson, was featured in Archinect, and Architectural Digest, and was mentioned in The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Read MoreCatherine Pakaluk, assistant professor, social research and economic thought, was quoted in the National Catholic Register about the downward trend in birth rates and how the coronavirus pandemic could affect it.
Read MoreCatherine Pakaluk, assistant professor, social research and economic thought, was quoted in Forbes about connecting with students online.
Read MoreMichael New, visiting assistant professor, business, published commentary on National Review about an effort in Colorado to use direct democracy to limit late-term abortions and how pro-lifers have been effective in their use of direct democracy.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey was mentioned in Catholic News Service about the University’s plan to reopen campus and the safety precautions taken to keep the campus safe.
Read MoreRev. James Bradley, assistant professor, canon law, was interviewed by Catholic News Agency about bishops prohibiting the distribution of Holy Communion on the tongue in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus.
Read MoreMario Enzler, professor, finance, was interviewed by National Catholic Register about his insights on St. John Paul II’s sanctity and his encouragement to foster a life rooted in prayer and service.
Read MoreWilliam Smith, director of the Center for the Study of Statesmanship, published commentary on The American Conservative about the FBI’s history and ways to reform the Bureau.
Read MoreJakub Grygiel, associate professor, politics, published commentary on The American Interest about the European Union-China diplomatic relations.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey published commentary on Catholic Philly via Catholic News Service about appreciating the human costs of solitary confinement.
Read MoreMichael Root, professor, systematic theology, was quoted by Catholic News Agency about the Ascension of Jesus Christ, and questions surrounding ascension.
Read MoreCatholic University was mentioned in Money about the CARES Act providing $14 billion for colleges and universities to give to students to help deal with expenses brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreFr. Kevin Kennedy, adjunct professor, organizational development and leadership, was interviewed by Catholic Standard about how St. Gabriel’s parish has adapted to changes due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreWilliam Smith, director of the Center for the Study of Statesmanship, published commentary on The National Interest about a path forward to a diplomatic solution for Ukraine.
Read MoreJohn Egan, assistant professor, strategic marketing, published commentary on National Catholic Register on how Catholic entrepreneurship is key to rebuilding the economy.
Read MoreBrian Becker, director, small-business outreach, was quoted in BizEd on how the Ciocca Center is helping small businesses.
Read MoreKurt Martens, professor, canon law, was quoted in The Washington Post about a Catholic bishop suspending a priest and issues trespass order over blog about clergy sex abuse.
Read MoreCatholic University was mentioned in The Washington Post about the University’s plans on virtual and in-person commencement.
Read MoreJay Richards, assistant research professor, was quoted in Catholic News Agency about Catholic business ethics and how it can help the recovery efforts of the coronavirus pandemic.
Read MoreDavid Cloutier, associate professor, moral theology and ethics, published commentary on U.S. Catholic about social trust being a key part of the common good.
Read MoreAndrew Yeo, associate professor, politics, was quoted in The Wall Street Journal about what’s next for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey, and Ann Vogel, senior, mechanical engineering, were quoted in the National Catholic Register about colleges and universities commencement plans during a pandemic.
Read MoreBroadway World posted “The Show Must Go On!” story written by Ellen Woods, director of creative services and managing editor, CatholicU Magazine; and Eleanor Holdridge, associate professor and chair, drama department; and Marie Kottenstette, senior, English and drama major, were interviewed by Catholic News Agency, and WUSA9 about the Department of Drama staging a digital version of Shakespeare's Measure for Measure.
Read MoreAndrew Yeo, associate professor, politics, published commentary on The National Interest examining human rights in North Korea in a post Kim Jong-un scenario.
Read MoreBrother Andrew Corriente, third year graduate, theology major, was featured in The Washington Post about life after winning ‘The Great American Baking Show.’
Read MoreDuilia de Mello, professor, physics, published commentary on Scientific American about the 30th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope and how looking at the stars during the current COVID-19 crisis could bring people closer together.
Read MoreMaryann Cusimano Love, associate professor, international relations, published commentary on USA Today about the history of social distancing and why we can social distance now.
Read MoreChen Guangcheng, distinguished fellow, IPR, was featured in Catholic News Agency and The College Fix about his discussion on the CCP and the most important lessons to learn from the pandemic.
Read MoreMsgr. Stephen Rossetti, research professor, pastoral studies, was interviewed by EWTN News Nightly about baseball and sports paused due to the pandemic could lead to lessons in faith.
Read MoreMelissa Moschella, assistant professor, philosophy, was quoted by Catholic News Agency about homeschooling and end of life care surrounding the pandemic.
Read MoreChris Lydon, vice president for enrollment management and marketing, was quoted by Catholic News Agency about the effects on enrollment next semester due to the pandemic.
Read MoreSusan Timoney, associate dean, undergraduate studies, and associate professor, practice pastoral studies, was quoted by Catholic News Service about what she misses and resolutions for the future after the stay at home orders lift.
Read MoreMaryann Cusimano Love, associate professor, international relations, published commentary on Scientific American about environmental protections and how places with more pollution have more coronavirus deaths.
Read MoreAaron Dominguez, provost, and professor, physics, was featured on Catholic News Agency about being nominated to serve on the National Science Board.
Read MoreMario Enzler, professor, finance, was interviewed by Catholic News Service about preparing for post-pandemic ministry.
Read MoreCatholic University was featured in Arizona Daily Star and KGUN9 about launching a collaborative program in business management with Pima Community College, in Tucson, AZ.
Read MoreMelissa Moschella, assistant professor, philosophy, was quoted by Christian Broadcasting Network about answering moral pandemic questions.
Read MoreBrother Andrew Corriente, theology major, was interviewed by America’s Jesuitical podcast about the spiritual benefits of baking and what he’s been making for his Franciscan community under quarantine.
Read MoreDavid Cloutier, associate professor, moral theology and ethics, was quoted in Catholic News Agency about Pope Francis' Easter letter to NGOs, emphasizing the need to slow down and rethink consumption during the pandemic.
Read MoreStephen Payne, dean and professor, law, was quoted in Reuters about the FDA’s quality-control standards in regard to Chloroquine donation to the United States.
Read MoreCara Drinan, professor, law, published commentary on Richmond Times-Dispatch about Clemency during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreJakub Grygiel, associate professor, politics, published commentary on National Review about a memo to Chairman Xi on the strategic benefits of the coronavirus.
Read MoreAndrew Yeo, associate professor, politics, was quoted in AFP via Yahoo News about South Korea's election victory and how the coronavirus pandemic had an effect on the win.
Read MoreBrian Becker, director, small-business outreach, was quoted in National Catholic Register on how the Center is helping small businesses.
Read MoreBrian Becker, director, small business outreach, was interviewed by WalletHub about states with the most affected small businesses due to Coronavirus.
Read MoreMichael Root, professor, systematic theology, was quoted in Catholic News Agency about why Christians believe in resurrection, not reincarnation.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey published commentary in Catholic Standard about losing his sense of smell after contracting a mild case of COVID-19.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey published commentary on Aleteia about Mass being an act of public worship.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey was quoted in The Washington Post about Holy Week’s changes by the Pope due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Read MoreVenigalla Rao, professor, biology, was featured in The American Society for Microbiology about public health professionals on the front lines fighting COVID-19 and his research on microbes, and bacteriophage T4, that can be used to develop vaccines for diseases such as COVID-19.
Read MoreKurt Martens, professor, canon law, was quoted in The Wall Street Journal about the reversal of Cardinal George Pell’s conviction on child sex-abuse charges in Australia.
Read MoreJack Yoest, assistant professor, leadership and management, published two commentaries on University Business and The Daily Signal about tips on an effective online education.
Read MoreJohn White, professor, politics, published commentary on The Hill about important history lessons to learn from.
Read MoreAyda Rajab, senior, biomedical engineering major with a minor in computer science, was featured in Quality of Life Plus about her work with a team to create golfing assists for people with hand transplants.
Read MoreCatholics For Family Peace was mentioned in Catholic Standard and Catholic Philly about an increase in domestic abuse due to stay at home orders and resources to help.
Read MoreJohn White, professor, politics, was interviewed by Indus News TV, Scope show about the U.S. political system.
Read MoreJulia Young, associate professor, history, was mentioned in Markets Insider about receiving a grant from The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) on her research titled, The Revolution Is Afraid: Mexican Catholic Nationalism and the Unión Nacional Sinarquista.
Read MoreGil Barndollar, military fellow, was quoted in Newsweek about tensions between the U.S. and Iran and the effects of the pandemic.
Read MoreVenigalla Rao, professor, biology, and Catholic University, was featured in Catholic News Agency about offering royalty-free licenses to his vaccine delivery-related patents to help fight the coronavirus.
Read MoreMichael New, visiting assistant professor, social research and political science, published commentary on National Review about the 10th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act.
Read MoreFr. Michael Witczak, associate Professor, liturgical studies and sacramental theology, was quoted in National Catholic Reporter about the role of the funeral liturgy during a pandemic.
Read MoreMaria Mazzenga, curator of the American Catholic History Research Center, was quoted in National Catholic Reporter about the pandemic and Catholic social teaching.
Read MoreChad Pecknold, associate professor, theology, was quoted in The Daily Caller about dioceses dispensing Catholics from their obligation to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent.
Read MoreMargaret Breihan, learning specialist, disability support services, and graduate student, social work, was interviewed by USA Today about her concerns on health care for people with disabilities due to the outbreak.
Read MoreSimon Rodberg, adjunct professor, education, was interviewed by EdSurge about his experience teaching online due to the coronavirus.
Read MoreThe latest news story on Conway School of Nursing donating medical supplies to Holy Cross Hospital was mentioned in Catholic News Service.
Read MoreJack Yoest, assistant professor, leadership and management, published commentary, and Aaron Dominguez, provost, was quoted in The Daily Signal about what an effective online education includes.
Read MoreFr. Mark Morozowich, dean and associate professor, liturgical studies and sacramental theology was quoted in Catholic News Service about priests and women religious becoming beacons of hope and finding unconventional ways to help those in need during the pandemic.
Read MoreCatholic University and Conway School of Nursing were mentioned in The Chronicle of Philanthropy about the announcement of an additional $20 million gift from the Conways to help with the construction of a new nursing building on the University's campus.
Read MoreMario Enzler, professor, finance, was interviewed by Catholic News Agency about his parents' experience in Bergamo, Italy during the pandemic and how the elderly are united in prayer.
Read MoreJacqueline Leary-Warsaw, dean and professor, music, was interviewed by EWTN Register Radio about the positive effects of listening to music as we live through this Coronavirus crisis.
Read MoreRev. James Bradley, assistant professor, canon law, was quoted in Catholic News Agency about the sacrament of confession as a Peruvian bishop rescinds permission for confession by phone.
Read MoreMario Enzler, professor, finance, was featured in Aleteia about Bergamo, Italy losing at least 11 priests to COVID-19.
Read MoreJay Richards, assistant research professor, published commentary on The Stream about fasting for the poor during the coronavirus outbreak.
Read MoreJakub Grygiel, associate professor, foregin policy, published commentary on National Review about his analysis on Russia and its encircling of Europe.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey has been mentioned in Inside Higher Ed, The Washington Post, The College Fix, WTOP, Fox 5, Catholic News Service, National Catholic Register, The Crux, The Washington Times, International Business Times, Popville, and Breitbart News, about testing positive for the COVID-19 virus.
Read MoreCatholic University and Conway School of Nursing was featured in Philanthropy News Digest about the announcement of an additional $20 million gift from the Conways to help with the construction of a new nursing building on the University's campus.
Read MoreRev. James Bradley, assistant professor, canon law, was quoted in Catholic News Agency about the limits of what can be done online to accessing and offering the sacraments of the Church during the outbreak of coronavirus.
Read MoreRev. James Bradley, assistant professor, canon law, was quoted in National Catholic Register about why masses celebrated in private are spiritually beneficial to all Catholics during the suspension of masses.
Read MoreMichael New, visiting assistant professor, social research and political science, published commentary in National Review, interviewed by Kresta in the Afternoon via Ave Maria Radio, and issues Etc. about Joe Biden's comments on the Hyde Amendment during Sunday's Presidential debate.
Read MoreAndreas Widmer, clinical assistant professor and director of entrepreneurship programs, was featured on Catholic News Service about his experience being on lockdown in Italy during the coronavirus.
Read MorePresident John Garvey published commentary on The Boston Pilot about teaching students online during the coronavirus outbreak.
Read MoreCara Drinan, professor, law, was mentioned in The Crime Report about her book, The War on Kids: How American Juvenile Justice Lost Its Way on the number of youth incarcerated and the effects of it.
Read MoreMario Enzler, professor, finance, was interviewed by Catholic News Agency about recommendations for parishes concerned with the loss of access to in-person parish collections due to the coronavirus.
Read MoreJennifer Paxton, clinical assistant professor, history, was interviewed by WJLA about St. Patrick’s Day myths.
Read MoreLawrence Poos, professor, history, published commentary on Brookings about the lessons of past pandemics.
Read MoreJulio Bermudez, professor, architecture and planning, was mentioned in GQ Germany about his research on architectural phenomenology, how architecture affects people's mental states.
Read MoreUniversity president John Garvey was quoted in The Daily Caller, and Catholic University was mentioned in WTOP, NBC Washington, and DCist, about the University’s response to the coronavirus outbreak for the University community.
Read MoreMatthew Green, professor, politics, was quoted in NC Policy Watch about North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows becoming Chief of Staff.
Read MoreFather Michael Witczak, associate professor of liturgical studies and sacramental theology, was interviewed by The Washington Times about receiving the Eucharist by hand instead of the tongue.
Read MoreJennifer Paxton, clinical assistant professor of history, was quoted by The Washington Post about the history of St. Patrick.
Read MoreCatholic University was mentioned in the National Interest, and Lawrence Morris, chief of staff and counselor to the president, was interviewed by The Washington Post about the University’s response to the coronavirus outbreak for students studying abroad.
Read MoreBrother Andrew Corriente, theology major, was interviewed by Washingtonian about winning The Great American Baking Show.
Read MoreRoger Colinvaux, director, law and public policy program, and professor, law, was quoted in Bloomberg Tax about the Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund lawsuit.
Read MoreFather Mark Morozowich, dean and associate professor, liturgical studies and sacramental theology, was interviewed by America about deaconesses and the role of women in the Catholic Church.
Read MoreDavid Cloutier, associate professor, moral theology and ethics, was quoted in The Washington Post about Lent abstinence practices and plant-based burgers.
Read MoreCatholic University and The School of Engineering were mentioned in GradReports about being ranked as one of the 25 best colleges in civil engineering.
Read MoreWilliam Smith, director of the Center for the Study of Statesmanship, published commentary on The Hill about President Trump and Bernie Sanders foreign affairs campaigns.
Read MoreGioia Rau, research assistant professor, physics, was interviewed by WTOP about the supergiant star Betelgeuse in anticipation of its explosion into a supernova.
Read MoreBrother Andrew Corriente, OFM Cap, theology major, was interviewed by The Washington Post about his experience and learnings from winning ‘The Great American baking Show.’
Read MoreCatholic University and The Busch School of Business were mentioned in TopMarketingCompanies.com about being named one of the best marketing schools in the US to hire from in 2020.
Read MoreDavid Jobes, professor, psychology, was quoted in USA Today about sucide prevention and his Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) approach to treating suicidal patients.
Read MoreJosh Shepperd, assistant professor, media and communications, co-published commentary on Current about commemorating NPR’s 50th anniversary and the origin and purpose of public media.
Read MoreEleanor Holdridge, chair, drama department, and associate professor, drama, was mentioned in Broadway World about leading the creative team for the play, "Every Brilliant Thing" at the Florida Repertory Theatre.
Read MoreMsgr. Stephen Rossetti, research professor, pastoral studies, was quoted in the National Catholic Register about Lent and what it means to prepare for a major event.
Read MoreJulio Bermudez, professor, architecture and planning, was interviewed by Lincoln's Cottage podcast, episode titled “What’s the Cottage Worth” about President Lincoln’s Cottage and the value of the historical property.
Read MoreDavid Cloutier, associate professor, moral theology and ethics was quoted in Our Sunday Visitor about ways faith is integrated into degrees in the health field.
Read MoreBrian Engelland, associate dean, academics, and professor, marketing, was quoted in Our Sunday Visitor about Catholic business programs preparing students in the workplace.
Read MoreNiki Akhavan, associate professor, media studies, was quoted in Our Sunday Visitor about ethics and media.
Read MoreAaron Dominguez, provost, and professor, physics, was quoted in Our Sunday Visitor about faith and science.
Read MoreChristopher Howard, assistant professor, architecture and planning, was quoted in HowStuffWorks about the U.S. Capital’s Design.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey published commentary on The Arlington Catholic Herald via Catholic News Service about the success of women and male virtues.
Read MoreMatthew Green, professor, politics, was interviewed by C-SPAN about history and notable speakers. The interview will air on Sunday, Feb. 23 at 8 and 11 p.m.
Read MoreLaura Mayhall, associate professor, history, appeared in the CNN documentary "The Windsors: Inside the Royal Dynasty" on Feb. 16 and 23.
Read MoreLawrence P. Grayson, visiting scholar, philosophy, published commentary in Our Sunday Visitor about finding hope during Lent season.
Read MoreWilhelmus (Pim) Valkenberg, professor, religion and culture, was interviewed by America about the Netflix series, Messiah and Jesus’ presence in Islam.
Read MoreMatthew Green, professor, politics, was quoted in National Catholic Reporter about a report from Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice on the senate considering bills.
Read MoreGil Barndollar, military fellow, published two commentaries on American Conservative about the democratic debate in New Hampshire and the views of veterans Buttigieg and Gabbard on their New Hampshire trail.
Read MoreBrother Andrew Corriente, theology major, was interviewed by National Catholic Register about his win on The Great American Baking Show.
Read MoreMary Leary, professor, law, was quoted in Crux about the intention to file a lawsuit with an allegation of abuse against Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey published commentary on America Magazine about Catholic colleges winning independence from the federal Labor Board.
Read MoreMichael Kimmage, professor and department chair, history, published commentary on Politico about what the impeachment process’ lasting effects will be described as in future history books.
Read MoreJohn Kenneth White, professor, politics, published commentary in National Catholic Reporter about making a case for Joe Biden through Catholic social teaching and traditions.
Read MorePaul Radich, assistant professor, marketing and social thought, was quoted in The New York Times about advertisements and the shift in how people view commercials.
Read MoreAndrew Abela, dean, associate professor, marketing, was interviewed by Crux about the Busch School and it’s focus on ethics in the marketplace.
Read MoreJacqueline Leary-Warsaw, dean and professor, music, was featured on EWTN Live hosting and produced the "In Concert" series broadcasted on 1/29/20.
Read MoreBrother Andrew Corriente, theology major, was interviewed by The Kojo Nnamdi Show about his win on The Great American Baking Show.
Read MoreThe Institute for Human Ecology was featured on Aleteia about the Master program in Human Rights.
Read MoreCatholic University was mentioned in the Washingtonian as one of 92 hidden gems and attractions in Washington.
Read MoreMsgr. Kevin Irwin, research professor, theology, was interviewed by the Crux about his new book, Pope Francis and the Liturgy: The Call to Holiness and Mission, and how liturgy can aid priests.
Read MoreGrace Schneider, director, education abroad, was quoted in The Washington Post on how the university and the study abroad offices are responding to unrest around the world.
Read MoreKurt Martens, professor, canon law, was quoted in the Crux about a bishop’s role with parishes in the structure of dioceses as they continue to face multi-million dollar payouts related to the Church crisis.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey published commentary on Catholic Philly via Catholic News Service about being content with how you view yourself, let nature takes its course and let God handle the material needs when it comes to aging.
Read MoreCaroline McGraw, sophomore, political science major, was featured in The Daily Gazette about running for Biden delegate in 20th Congress District.
Read MoreWilliam Smith, director of the Center for the Study of Statesmanship, published commentary on The Hill about why congress is not serious about the war powers in the Constitution.
Read MoreCatherine Pakaluk, assistant professor, social research and economic thought, was quoted in Catholic News Agency about a new report at the Institute for Family Studies showing how in progressive California, families have a higher-than-average percentage of staying intact.
Read MoreKurt Martens, professor, canon law, was quoted in Reuters and Crux about the rules on a former pope, relating to the book, “From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church” co-authored by former Pope Benedict.
Read MoreBrother Andrew Corriente, theology major, was interviewed by Catholic Standard about his win on The Great American Baking Show.
Read MoreMaryann Cusimano Love, associate professor, international relations, published commentary on America Magazine about the legality of the drone strike. Love was quoted in Crux via Catholic News Service about the effects of drone warfare. And she was quoted in Crux about Catholics welcoming Trump’s readiness to ’embrace peace.’
Read MoreChad Pecknold, associate professor, theology, was quoted by Daily Caller about why Pope Francis cooperates with the Chinese government.
Read MoreJay Richards, assistant research professor, published commentary on The Stream about advice on the final week of fasting and ending with a Christmas feast.
Read MoreJames McCrery, assistant professor, architecture, published commentary in The Federalist about confederate statues being taken down.
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