(Washington, D.C.) The Catholic University of America is aiming to send more than 800 members of the University community into D.C. neighborhoods to participate in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Monday, Jan. 16.
Students, faculty, and staff - including President John Garvey and his wife, Jeanne - will spend the national holiday participating in service projects at one of approximately 20 locations throughout the city. The Garveys will volunteer at the nearby Little Sisters of the Poor Jeanne Jugan Residence.
When the University's MLK Day of Service began in 2006, 26 volunteers participated. In previous years, that number had grown to more than 750 participants.
"Serving with others is one of the best ways to bond with the campus community," says Peter Duval, senior finance major. "I have been a part of MLK day of service since my freshman year, and as a senior, it is one of the traditions I look forward to the most," says Allison Bond, a senior lacrosse player. "I participate in MLK Day of Service with my lacrosse team. It is a day for us to get to know each other on a deeper level, while making a difference in our community."
The theme of the day of service this year is "Make a Career of Humanity." Organizers hope the theme will impact students and help them to understand that service opportunities do not have to exist separately from the rest of their lives. They can incorporate helping others into their careers and vocations.
"All the work we are doing should be to create a better society and a common good," says Emmjolee Mendoza Waters, associate director of Campus Ministry and community service. She has asked leaders at each service location to emphasize to students exactly how the work they are doing will impact the lives of people in the community.
Before heading to service locations, participants will gather in the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center Great Room the morning of Jan. 16 for breakfast and remarks from President Garvey, who has participated for many years.
In the days leading up to the day of service, Campus Ministry has invited the service partners to visit campus and share with students how their work is continuing the efforts of Martin Luther King, Jr. Organizations will set up tables in the Pryzbyla Center during lunch hours to share their missions with the campus community.
Organizations partnering with Catholic University for the day of service this year include: Little Friends for Peace, Beacon House, Little Sisters of the Poor, Ronald McDonald House, Washington Parks & People, the Franciscan Monastery, Bethlehem House, and Groundwork Anacostia.
Media: For more information or to cover the day of service, contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at communications@cua.edu or 202-319-5600 .