Catholic University is one of the founding members of the Catholic Consortium for International Higher Education Collaboration (CCIHEC), a network of Catholic universities around the world that is collaborating on research activities and the exchange of faculty members and students for lectures, discussions, and internships.
Read MoreOn Sunday, Dec. 10, Beatrice Fihn will receive this year’s Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of an international coalition that successfully negotiated the United Nations nuclear weapon ban treaty adopted last July.
Read MoreThe musical talents of students from the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music were a force for good last week during the 28th annual Christmas Concert for Charity, which raised more than $15,100 to support Catholic Charities USA Hurricane Relief.
Read MoreTo fully address the “evil of horrifying magnitude” caused by human trafficking and gender-based violence, Most Rev. Oscar Cantú, bishop of the Diocese of Las Cruces, N.M., said development and community workers need to address the root causes of vulnerabilities in their communities.
Read MoreMany experts contend that the U.S. national security bureaucracy has become so big that it largely sets the agenda for American foreign policy. This leaves the president and Congress — who are supposed to set the direction of U.S. foreign policy — almost powerless, weakening the country’s Madisonian model of government in which powers are separated into the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
Read MoreCatholic University’s Nov. 10 symposium “Land O’Lakes at 50: The Future of Higher Education” commemorated the 50th anniversary of the widely discussed Land O’Lakes Statement and brought nearly 100 scholars and Church leaders from around the country to campus.
Read MoreInternational experts who participated in a workshop last week at Catholic University sent a clear message: Climate change is confronting our planet and its inhabitants with enormous challenges; only by joining together can we expect to resolve them.
Read MorePresident John Garvey has appointed Nancy Morrison O’Connor as the University’s new general counsel, effective Jan. 1, 2018.
Read MoreCardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, spoke about the ongoing legacy of the Second Vatican Council during an address Nov. 14 at The Catholic University of America.
Read MoreThe Metropolitan School of Professional Studies at The Catholic University of America will promote a highly trained federal workforce by offering scholarships to eligible federal employees across the country.
Read MoreThe Benjamin T. Rome School of Music at The Catholic University of America presents two operas this week reflecting on the search for “happily ever after.”
Read MoreValencio Jackson, a Catholic University doctoral student in composition from the Virgin Islands, will premier his composition, titled “Hush,” based on the text of Isaac Watts’s “Cradle Hymn,” during the Annual Christmas Concert for Charity on Friday, Dec. 1.
Read MoreJohn Garvey, President of The Catholic Uiversity of America, delivered introductory remarks at the Land O’Lakes Conference on Nov. 10.
Read MoreCardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, will deliver an address at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14, at The Catholic University of America titled “The Council: A Prophecy that Continues with Pope Francis.”
Read MoreAs the face-off between the United States and North Korea escalates, two politics faculty members and three students from The Catholic University of America will participate in an international symposium on nuclear disarmament Nov. 10 and 11 at the Vatican.
Read MoreCatholic University hosted the symposium “Double Lives and Moral Lives: An Exploration into the Ethics of Intelligence” on Nov. 8.
Read MoreCatholic University will implement a new mission-focused Core Curriculum in fall 2018, providing all undergraduate students with an educational foundation that prepares them for their professional aspirations.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America will bring together an international group of experts to address the challenges of climate change at a workshop on Thursday, Nov. 16.
Read MoreArchbishop Christophe Pierre, the apostolic nuncio to the United States, gave an address entitled “Synodality and Pope Francis: The Church that Walks Together” at The Catholic University of America this week, during the School of Canon Law’s 11th annual Frederick R. McManus Memorial Lecture.
Read MoreThe Carmelite gift to the University's School of Theology and Religious Studies will establish an academic center that will conduct research and support the development of courses on the Carmelite charism of prayer and contemplation.
Read MoreLa Universidad Católica de América abre sus puertas a estudiantes de bachillerato/ licenciatura que actualmente estén matriculados en alguna universidad de Puerto Rico.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America will open its doors to undergraduate students currently enrolled in degree programs in colleges and universities in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Read MoreThe Busch School of Business and Economics welcomed Carly Fiorina to campus last month as part of its CEO Lecture Series.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America will host a conference titled “Land O’Lakes at 50: The Future of Catholic Higher Education” on Friday, Nov. 10, to explore the past, present, and future of Catholic higher education in the United States.
Read MoreWhat is subsidiarity and why does it matter in the world today? That was the topic up for discussion during a recent symposium hosted by the Institute for Human Ecology.
Read MoreThe Institute for Human Ecology welcomed New York Times bestselling author Paul Kengor to speak about his new book, A Pope and A President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century.
Read MoreToday John Garvey, President of The Catholic University of America, announced the appointment of Margaret Carney, the University’s associate vice president for facilities planning and management, as University architect effective immediately.
Read MoreChristian and Muslim scholars from around the country convened at Catholic University last week to discuss theological perspectives of God and religion.
Read MoreMore than 1,400 young wizards, goblins, princesses and other characters toured Catholic University on Oct. 26.
Read MoreAn upcoming symposium at Catholic University, “Double Lives and Moral Lives: An Exploration into the Ethics of Intelligence,” on Wednesday, Nov. 8, aims to explore the ethical dimension of U.S. intelligence.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America hosted a Marathon Reading of St. Augustine’s Confessions that took place in McMahon Hall over a three-day period.
Read MoreThis is an update to last night’s shelter-in-place on campus.
Read MoreU.S. Rep. Francis Rooney of Florida will address how subsidiarity can serve as a guiding principle for communities at “Subsidiarity in Politics, Culture, and Economy,” a symposium hosted by the Institute for Human Ecology.
Read MoreRead a statement from President Garvey about a filed suit in response to a mandate from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Read MoreAudiences will get a behind-the-scenes look into the world of show business as the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music presents its fall musical, Kiss Me Kate.
Read MoreThe Catholic University Chamber Orchestra, led by music director Simeone Tartaglione, gave a special performance showcasing the music of Spain at the Former Residence of the Ambassadors of Spain earlier this month.
Read MoreBiology professors John Golin and Ann K. Corsi are recent recipients of highly competitive National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards totaling $470,000 and $442,000, respectively.
Read MoreHow can a profitable business be a force for good? That was the question at the heart of Good Profit, a three-day conference that drew more than 300 business leaders from across the country Oct. 4-6 at The Catholic University of America.
Read MoreJohn Judge was appointed dean of the School of Engineering effective June 1, 2017. In a recent interview, he discusses his vision for the school’s future and shares some information about his background.
Read MoreFaculty and students at The Catholic University of America will stage a public reading of St. Augustine's Confessions that will take 14 hours over three days.
Read MoreAddressing an overflow crowd in the Monsignor Happel Room of Caldwell Hall last month, three Catholic University professors outlined the ways in which their separate disciplines have studied and taught St. Augustine’s best-known work, the Confessions, over the past century. All three are teaching courses on the work this semester.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America extends its prayers and support for the victims of yesterday’s mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nev.
Read MoreStudents from the Department of Drama had a rare opportunity to learn from an accomplished film and television actor as Catholic University alumnus John Carroll Lynch returned to Hartke Theater to share his experiences and expertise.
Read MoreMembers of the Catholic University community have a new place to gather with friends and classmates this week, after Murphy’s Grill, a full-service restaurant located on the bottom floor of the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center, opened for business on Sept. 25.
Read MoreBishop Edward Braxton, of Belleville, Ill., spoke Sept. 21 at Catholic University as part of a daylong teach-in for social work students.
Read MoreLast week marked the launch of a unique partnership between the Busch School of Business and Economics and the Boston-based Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC), as the owners of 125 D.C.-based small businesses gathered to network; learn from experts about strategy, leadership, marketing, and finance; and participate in coaching sessions.
Read MoreSome of the greatest examples of Renaissance music were brought to beautiful life during a rare performance by the Sistine Chapel Choir at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Sept. 20.
Read MoreNobel Prize-winning pharmacologist Louis J. Ignarro addressed students and faculty of The Catholic University of America earlier this month, chronicling his research work studying nitric oxide as a unique signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system.
Read MoreWith a mix of fanfare and gravitas, Catholic University formally launched the Center for the Study of Statesmanship (CSS) Sept. 13 at the National Press Club in downtown Washington, D.C.
Read MoreUniversity Provost Andrew Abela signed a new agreement Sept. 12 to continue a long-standing commercial partnership between the University’s Vitreous State Laboratory (VSL) and the Atkins company. The new agreement has a projected value to Catholic University that could amount to as much as $80 million over its 10-year term, based on past performance.
Read MoreTwelve members of the Sistine Chapel Choir and their director will offer a rare glimpse into the performance of sacred music.
Read MoreTwo Catholic University students spent their summer serving as White House interns.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America has risen in the U.S. News & World Report 2018 listings for Universities and graduate programs nationwide.
Read MoreThe Columbus School of Law at The Catholic University of America has recently received gifts and commitments totaling $1.4 million that will provide initial funding for three new initiatives supporting research and educational opportunities for faculty and students.
Read MoreCatholic University President John Garvey issued a statement in response to the Trump Administration’s decision to end DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017.
Read MoreWe extend our prayers and concern to all the people affected by the hurricane that hit Houston and New Orleans this week. It is an especially difficult time for students at our University who are from the affected areas.
Read MoreThe School of Theology and Religious Studies (STRS) at The Catholic University of America welcomes two new faculty members this year whose research and expertise include the relationship between faith and reason, as well as Eastern Christianity.
Read MoreStudents, faculty, and staff members at The Catholic University of America were called to be witnesses for Christ during this year’s Mass of the Holy Spirit, which took place in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Aug. 31.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America had the largest contingent of faculty presenters during last month’s 26th biennial Congress of Societas Liturgica, an international ecumenical society for the study of liturgy.
Read MoreOn Thursday, Sept. 21, Bishop Edward Braxton of Belleville, Ill., will visit Catholic University to address issues related to the racial divide and religion.
Read MoreThis fall, business and faith leaders from around the world will meet at The Catholic University of America for the conference Good Profit: How Profitable Business Can Be a Force for Good.
Read MoreIt was a busy morning on Thursday, Aug. 24, as more than 800 first-year and transfer students moved into the residence halls at The Catholic University of America for the first time.
Read MoreAl Goldberg, founder of Mess Hall, which provides up-and-coming food entrepreneurs with commercial kitchens and related services in northeast Washington, D.C., had been wrestling with options to expand his business. With the help of a novel program at The Catholic University of America, he’ll have access to the kind of new business insights, tailored mentoring, and expanded business and capital connections he needs.
Read MoreOn May 19, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, B.A. 1982, gave a notable speech on the removal of four city monuments celebrating the Confederacy.
Read MoreEarlier this month, more than 20 priests from 17 dioceses around the country as well as Rome and Colombia took a week of classes as part of the Master of Science in Ecclesial Administration and Management (MEAM) program.
Read MoreCatholic University’s newly-established Center for the Study of Statesmanship offers a measured approach to foreign policy that is rooted in restraint and American constitutionalism.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America will celebrate the start of the academic year with its Mass of the Holy Spirit on Thursday, Aug. 31, at 12:10 p.m. in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Great Upper Church.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America will present a full line-up of arts events this fall. The Department of Drama will bring two productions to the stage and students from the Benjamin T. School of Music will also have much to offer.
Read MoreSteve Kraemer, chair of The Catholic University of America Department of Physics and director for the University’s Institute of Astrophysics and Computational Sciences, is part of a team of astrophysicists from around the world that was recently awarded observing time on the Hubble Space Telescope.
Read MoreAn astrophysicist from Catholic University will be in Atchison, Kan., on Aug. 21 to witness the historic solar eclipse. For the first time in 99 years, a total solar eclipse will sweep across the United States from coast to coast. Atchison lies in a stretch of land known as the "path of totality" for the eclipse.
Read MoreThis summer, The Catholic University of America was selected as the first research university to participate in the South Africa Washington International (SAWI) program, which brings South African college students to Washington, D.C., to help prepare them for leadership positions in their own communities.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America women's lacrosse team set the bar for the rest of the country in academic achievement during the 2017 season.
Read MoreSimeone Tartaglione, clinical assistant director of conducting, has been appointed principal conductor of the Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra of Greater Washington (PACO).
Read MoreGoli Yamini, a Ph.D. candidate in biology, was recently selected to receive an American Association of University Women (AAUW) American Dissertation Fellowship for the 2017-2018 academic year.
Read MoreAssistant Professor Jonathan Monaghan was a resident artist at the 2017 Digital Stone Project (DSP) in Gramolazzo, Italy, earlier this summer, one of only 13 university educators and students from around the world selected to share their research and work on marble sculptures during the monthlong program.
Read MorePresident John Garvey, Provost Andrew Abela, Deans William Bowman and Will Rainford, and two professors from The Catholic University of America participated in the recent Convocation of Catholic Leaders.
Read MoreEighty-three rising high school juniors and seniors from 18 states and two countries came to Catholic University’s campus in June to take part in the Second Annual Summer Business Institute at the Busch School of Business and Economics.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America will present a free concert by the Sistine Chapel Choir on Sept. 20 as part of a three-city tour that marks the choir’s first visit to the United States in more than 30 years.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America was honored with multiple awards recognizing web stories on the University homepage, The Catholic University of America magazine, and University marketing and advertising plans.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey addressed students and alumni from the Columbus School of Law earlier this month during a summer reception hosted by the Federalist Society.
Read MoreMore than 80 high school students from around the country will compete in a version of the popular TV show Shark Tank at 9 a.m. Friday, June 23, at The Catholic University of America, but with a twist.
Read MoreThe discovery of lost homilies led The Catholic University of America Center for the Study of Early Christianity to devote a two-day colloquium to their exploration and interpretation.
Read MoreSince becoming a member of the Maryland-DC Campus Compact (MDCCC) in fall 2013, the Office of Campus Ministry has strengthened the University’s commitment to the neighboring northeast D.C. community.
Read MoreOn Tuesday, June 6, 2017, The Catholic University of America’s Board of Trustees adopted a new governance structure intended to permit greater lay participation in the affairs of the University while preserving its uniquely Catholic character.
Read MoreCatholic University students and faculty participated last month in a variety of study abroad and community outreach opportunities in the United States and around the globe.
Read MoreProminent scholars from Catholic and Lutheran churches gathered at The Catholic University of America this week for a conference commemorating the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
Read MoreStephen Schneck, former director of Catholic University’s Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies (IPR), was featured in Crux on May 31 for his years of work promoting research from a distinctly Catholic perspective.
Read MoreNew graduates emerged strong and confident on May 26, as students concluded their law school careers to the cheers of family and friends during the Law School's 128th Commencement at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC.
Read MoreMaestro Simeone Tartaglione, conductor of the CUA Symphony Orchestra, gave a presentation at a TEDx event at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Md.
Read MorePope Francis and President Donald Trump met for 30 minutes today. Ahead of the meeting, many speculated what they might discuss. Several Catholic University faculty members have weighed in on the conversation.
Read MoreThirteen faculty members had an opportunity to polish their grant writing skills during a weeklong writing retreat sponsored by the University Writing Center and the Office of Sponsored Programs. The retreat, which took place the week of May 15, included guest speakers, webinars, and scheduled time daily for focused writing.
Read MoreLast month, the Menninger Clinic, a renowned mental health care system, released findings of a controlled comparison trial that found that Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) “helps to accelerate the benefits of treatment for suicidal psychiatric patients during hospitalization and post discharge.”
Read MoreFour freshman business students represented The Catholic University of America at the 2017 International Business Ethics Case Competition (IBECC) last month, winning awards in several divisions. The competition drew 33 college teams from six different countries.
Read MoreUniversity President John Garvey has appointed John Judge as the dean of the School of Engineering, effective June 1, 2017. Judge has served as the associate dean of the engineering school since June 1, 2016. He succeeds Charles C. Nguyen, who has been appointed dean emeritus.
Read MorePeggy Noonan, Pulitzer Prize-winning Wall Street Journal columnist, author, and former special assistant and speechwriter to President Ronald Reagan, will address the Class of 2017 at The Catholic University of America Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 13, 2017.
Read MoreIn a presentation titled “Holy Land Holy See,” Visiting Assistant Professor Zion Evrony, who served as Israeli ambassador to the Vatican from 2012 to 2016, described Catholic-Jewish relations as “excellent.”
Read MoreAssociate Professor of Law Mark Rienzi and his clients, the Little Sisters of the Poor, were recognized May 4 in a ceremony at the White House, where President Donald Trump signed an executive order protecting religious liberty.
Read MoreStudents from The Catholic University of America School of Architecture and Planning shared theoretical designs for a mixed-use sustainable housing building in the D.C. neighborhood of Brookland April 26 before a panel of residents and professional architects. The projects, which were the result of a Sustainable Urban Housing Studio taught by Assistant Professor Patricia Andrasik.
Read MoreThree professors at The Catholic University of America were honored for their teaching achievements during this year’s Spring Faculty Luncheon held in the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center on May 2. Also recognized at the event were six retiring faculty members from the schools of law, canon law, and theology and religious studies.
Read MoreThis year marks the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Rather than focusing on the differences between the Lutheran and Catholic churches, an upcoming conference will mark this anniversary by focusing on better understanding the way Martin Luther came out of, engaged with, and shaped the Catholic tradition.
Read MoreRecruiters from the CIA conducted an analytic simulation at The Catholic University of America in which 22 undergraduates acted as intelligence analysts during a mock health crisis in a fictional foreign country.
Read MoreMaria Enid Rodriguez, a doctoral student in the School of Theology and Religious Studies, was recently honored by the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) with a Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship.
Read MoreBeginning this fall The Catholic University of America Busch School of Business and Economics will offer an online Master of Science in Ecclesial Administration and Management (M.E.A.M.).
Read MoreIn his first lecture as the Fr. Kurt Pritzl, O.P., Chair of Philosophy, Professor Timothy Noone honored the memory of the much-beloved priest who led the School of Philosophy prior to his death in 2011 with a talk on the history of philosophy.
Read MoreEnrique Pumar, associate professor and chair of sociology, has been named a Senior Fulbright Lecturer. For two months, beginning April 27, he will be working at the University of Valladolid in Valladolid, Spain, lecturing and helping to create a research institute on international migration.
Read MoreChoir members from The Catholic University of America will join several prestigious Washington, D.C., choral groups on April 26, 2018, in a performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with the world-class Los Angeles Philharmonic conducted by internationally-renowned music director, Gustavo Dudamel, at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Read MoreHundreds of members of the Catholic University community had the opportunity to share their academic findings during the University’s second annual Research Day, held across campus on April 20. The event, which was open to all undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff members, was planned to showcase the wide range of research taking place throughout the University’s 12 schools.
Read MoreCara Drinan, law professor at Catholic University, says “Governor [Terry] McAuliffe should be commended for commuting Mr. Teleguz's sentence to life without parole.”
Read MoreMacbeth opens at Catholic University’s Hartke Theater tonight, Thursday, April 20. But, students who are cast in the production are already sharing it with the Washington, D.C., area community through a new program called CUActing tour.
Read MoreMore than 1,000 individuals from The Catholic University of America community answered the April 10 Founders Day Giving Challenge, raising $324,678 in a record-breaking show of support and surpassing the original goal.
Read MoreIs it possible for an inclusive feminist movement to involve people with pro-life views? That was the question up for debate during a panel discussion held at The Catholic University of America on April 10.
Read MoreEmmy and Golden Globe Award-winning actor Gary Sinise was honored with The Catholic University of America’s 2017 James Cardinal Gibbons Medal, the alumni association’s highest accolade.
Read MoreDavid O'Sullivan, ambassador of the European Union (EU) to the United States, talked to students, faculty, and staff about the state of the world during a discussion moderated by Carlos Franganillo, a Spanish National Television (TVE) correspondent.
Read MoreCatholic University issues statement mourning the deaths of Palm Sunday terror victims in Egypt.
Read MoreCatholic University Law Professor Cara Drinan is working with a team of lawyers who filed a clemency petition on behalf of Ivan Teleguz, who is scheduled to be executed in Virginia on April 25, 2017, unless Governor McAuliffe intervenes.
Read MoreAs we celebrate the 130th anniversary of our founding, it is fitting to look back with gratitude for the many blessings we have received and to look ahead with hope as we chart a course for years to come.
Read MoreSenior Caileigh Nerney says the Washington, D.C., location was one of the main reasons she chose to attend Catholic University. She never imagined that four years later the city would provide a dramatic backdrop to her senior thesis, “91 of US.”
Read MoreOn the 100th anniversary of the United States’s entry into World War I, The Catholic University of America is making hundreds of pages of photographs, letters, scrapbooks, and other documents available online to the public free of charge in a new website.
Read MoreCatholic University’s Law students, alumni, and faculty gathered together for the semester’s final installment of the CUA Law Advantage In Action Series, this time with a focus on labor and employment law and co-hosted by the Law School’s John Fanning Center for Labor Studies.
Read MoreThe Institute for Astrophysics and Computational Sciences, which is housed within The Catholic University of America Department of Physics, is part of a team of universities and educational institutions that was recently awarded a NASA cooperative agreement to establish a new Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science & Technology (CRESST II).
Read MorePeggy Noonan, a Wall Street Journal columnist, author, and former special assistant and speechwriter to President Ronald Reagan, will address the Class of 2017 at The Catholic University of America Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 13, 2017.
Read MoreWhen a pro-life feminist group was removed as a sponsor of the Women’s March on Washington this past January, a national conversation began on whether an inclusive feminist movement can involve people with pro-life views.
Read MoreArchbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles delivered a heartfelt message about the need for immigration reform to students of The Catholic University of America, calling the issue a “deeply personal” one for him and his family.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America remembers Cardinal William H. Keeler, the 14th archbishop of Baltimore, who died on March 23, 2017, at the age of 86.
Read MoreOpera singer Vanessa Vasquez, who earned a bachelor of music in vocal performance from the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music in 2012, was named a national winner of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions on March 19.
Read MoreNine undergraduates who are studying in London this semester are safe and accounted for following the terrorist attack on Westminster Bridge.
Read MoreAnna Davis, a doctoral student in clinical psychology, has been selected for a Doris Duke Fellowship for the Promotion of Child Well-Being — Seeking Innovations to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect.
Read MoreSeminary deans and faculty explored ways of integrating faith and ecology into their theology curricula at the Symposium on Ecologically Informed Theological Education held at The Catholic University of America.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America Athletics Department has announced the addition of four varsity sports for the 2018-19 season.
Read MoreCatholic Universitys Office of Campus Ministry will host a talk by Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez on immigration on Thursday, March 23. He will speak at a CUA on Tap event in the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center Great Rooms at 7:30pm.
Read MoreThe Knights of Columbus at The Catholic University of America, Council 9542, celebrate their 30th anniversary on April 2, with a 4 p.m. Mass celebrated by Cardinal Donald Wuerl, University chancellor, in the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and a dinner with current and past knights in Heritage Hall, Father OConnell Hall, on campus.
Read MoreThe Knights of Columbus at The Catholic University of America, Council 9542, was recently featured in the Knight’s Columbia Magazine in a story on men’s spirituality.
Read MoreStudio art major Caileigh Nerney was taken aback when she heard on a podcast that on average 91 people a day are killed with guns thats two to three times more than the deadliest mass shootings in the U.S.
Read MoreCatholic University of America Columbus School of Law student Veda Rasheed (3E) was recently selected as the Mid-Atlantic Law Student of the Year by The National Jurist magazine.
Read MoreU.S. News & World Report has placed Catholic University's School of Nursing and several University graduate programs in law and library science in the top tiers of its 2018 rankings for the best graduate programs nationwide.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America indoor field standout Andrea Galeano was one of just two Landmark Conference student-athletes to qualify for the 2017 NCAA Division III Indoor Track & Field Championships as she competed in the weight throw on Friday morning.
Read MoreU.S. Rep. Francis Rooney of Florida will address how subsidiarity can serve as a guiding principle for communities at Subsidiarity in Politics, Culture, and Economy, a symposium hosted by the new Institute for Human Ecology at The Catholic University of America on Tuesday, March 14, from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America celebrated Healthy Relationship Awareness Month in February. The student group PEERS (Peer Educators Empowering Respectful Students) hosted events that included a talk by David Coleman, a relationship consultant known as the Dating Doctor who offered tips on healthy relationships.
Read MoreKatelyn Bockin, a graduate student who is pursuing her master’s in education at Catholic University, has been named Teacher of the Week by the Archdiocese of Washington.
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The Benjamin T. Rome School of Music presents its spring 2017 opera, Lucia di Lammermoor.
Read MoreStudents at the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music heard advice and tips-of-the-trade from one of today’s most talented solo, chamber, and orchestral musicians this weekend as Anthony McGill, principal clarinet for the New York Philharmonic, gave a master class for clarinetists.
Read MoreMore than 200 leaders from business, government, civic groups, and faith-based organizations gathered at The Catholic University of America on Feb. 28 to kick off a partnership that promises to bring jobs and economic prosperity to inner city communities in the Washington, D.C., area.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America mourns the passing of Vincent Alphonsus Sheehy III, trustee emeritus, alumnus, and longtime benefactor who passed away Sunday, Feb. 26, at the age of 88.
Read MoreCatholic University politics students had the opportunity to hear an insider’s perspective on America’s relations with China during a presentation by Kevin Sheives, a China Desk officer for the U.S. Department of State. Sheives was invited by Andrew Yeo, an associate professor of politics, to address a class on U.S., China, and International Relations of East Asia.
Read MoreChinese activist Chen Guangcheng gave a stirring account of human rights violations in China during a brown bag lunch discussion hosted by the Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies (IPR) at The Catholic University of America on Feb. 15. Guangcheng has been an IPR visiting fellow since 2013.
Read MoreMichael Novak, groundbreaking author, philosopher, theologian, and faculty member of Catholic University’s Tim and Steph Busch School of Business and Economics since last August, is remembered at the University as one of the country’s most influential thinkers and a mentor to business students and faculty, among many others.
Read MoreThe easing of U.S.-Cuban relations and a trip to the Caribbean island nation last May by two Catholic University music professors has inspired a recital that will be held in March to highlight the unique resources of the Universitys Latin American Music Center (LAMC).
Read MoreCatholic University M.F.A. playwriting candidates Garret Lee Milton and Rebecca Dzida will have the chance this week to watch fully-mounted productions of their original thesis works in the University’s Hartke Theatre.
Read MoreCardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington and University chancellor, will deliver the opening remarks at the kickoff meeting of the Inner City Capital Connections (ICCC) program at The Catholic University of America on Tuesday, Feb. 28, joining more than 175 leaders from business, government, and civic groups throughout the Washington, D.C., area.
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The Busch School to Host 100 Business and Community Leaders on Feb. 28.
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A classic story about the bonds of sisterhood comes alive in the Catholic University of Americas Ward Recital Hall Feb. 17 through 26.
Read MoreNAACP President Cornell William Brooks spoke before a crowded Slowinski Courtroom on February 8 for the Brendan F. Brown Lecture Series in an impassioned lecture entitled, “The Ballot and the Testament”, where he discussed the right to vote and the NAACP’s history of social justice.
Read MoreStudent athletes filled the Raymond A. Dufour Center the evening of Feb. 3, preparing to face the cold for Catholic University’s annual Polar Bear Plunge and raising $31,199 for Special Olympics DC.
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The Catholic University community will offer their prayers for world refugees and exiles at the 5:10 p.m. daily Mass on Friday, Feb. 3, in the Universitys Caldwell Chapel.
Read MoreRev. Thomas Joseph White, O.P., was the celebrant of the University’s annual Mass in honor of St. Thomas Aquinas on Jan. 31. The Mass commemorates the feast of University Patron St. Thomas Aquinas.
Read MoreCatholic University President John Garvey's statement in response to the Jan. 27, 2017, executive order.
Read MoreMore than 400 Catholic University students paused for a moment of prayer the morning of Friday, Jan. 27, before a day that would be spent speaking out against abortion.
Read MoreCatholic University President John Garvey and Professor Stephen Schneck weigh in on immigration.
Read MoreCatholic University professors have joined the national conversation in the media this week on issues surrounding the pro-life movement, right to life, the Women’s March, and March for Life.
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University to host 5th annual Hispanic innovators of faith lecture
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America School of Engineering is participating in the National Academy of Engineering’s Grand Challenge Scholars Program, a certificate program that prepares undergraduate engineering students to take on “grand challenges facing society in this century,” as outlined by an NAE blue-ribbon committee. The Challenges consist of the toughest problems facing humanity in IT, energy, health, and security.
Read MoreIn order to streamline the often-lengthy path to architectural licensure, The Catholic University of America School of Architecture and Planning is offering a program that will enable freshmen who start in fall 2017 to become licensed architects at the end of six years of study.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America announced today the establishment of the Center for the Study of Statesmanship to promote research, teaching, and public discussion about how statesmanship can defuse conflict and foster respectful foreign and domestic relations.
Read MoreDuring a talk this week at The Catholic University of America, Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, posed a question that prompted him when he was a young man to change his occupation from musician to economist. “Does your work serve others and glorify God?”
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Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) will present a lecture at The Catholic University of America on rebuilding economic prosperity today.
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More than 3,500 people are following the hashtag for what is essentially a MOOC on The City of God, one of the greatest works by medieval theologian and philosopher St. Augustine apparently a first for Twitter.
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The Catholic University of America is aiming to send more than 800 members of the University community into D.C. neighborhoods to participate in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Monday, Jan. 16.
Read MoreSpeaking at The Catholic University of America on Tuesday, Jan. 10, Cardinal Seán O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., emphasized the importance of a global economy that serves the needs of humanity rather than dominates it.
Read MoreOn Jan. 16, 866 members of The Catholic University of America community participated in a day of service to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Read MoreThe Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law’s participation in a Veterans Pro Bono Pop-Up Clinic was mentioned in Legal News as an example of one of the ways law students from across the country have served thousands of clients and devoted millions of hours in services. During the Pop-Up clinic, CUA Law students were paired with a volunteer attorney to collect client data, conduct issue spotlighting, and provide legal information and referrals to veterans.
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The following Catholic University professors are available to serve as experts on issues related to bioethics, the pro-life movement, and other topics related to the respect of life.
Read MoreCatholic University’s Vitreous State Laboratory (VSL) has been named the recipient of an impressive 11 sponsored research contracts since October, totaling $5.07 million. The contracts will support the Department of Energy’s Office of River Protection program to treat and safely store nuclear waste currently in danger of leaking into Washington State’s ground water.
Read MoreLaw Professor Mark Rienzi and his colleagues at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty won a nationwide injunction against a federal regulation that would force healthcare providers to provide abortions and sex change procedures.
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