The Catholic University of America has learned that nine undergraduates who are studying in London this semester are safe and accounted for following the terrorist attack on Westminster Bridge. Additionally, 15 Catholic University students who are on spring break from their studies at the University’s Rome campus are in London. They are also safe and accounted for.
“In these uncertain times, when news is almost instantaneously received, we can become inured to frequent global tragedies unless we become aware of their connection to us personally or communally, “ said Rev. Jude DeAngelo, O.F.M. Conv., University chaplain and director of Campus Ministry. “Today's London attack is one of those moments which remind us that every human life is precious and every violent act should cause us to pause and pray for all victims of violence and terrorism and the families who grieve for them.
“We can and we should also give thanks to Almighty God that none of our students studying or working in London were physically injured,” said Father Jude. “We also thank the Lord that none of our students studying in Rome who are visiting in London were hurt. Tonight at our 9 o'clock Holy Hour in Caldwell Chapel we will fervently pray for our students and for these latest victims of terrorism.”
The Mass celebrated in St. Vincent's Chapel at 10:30 tonight will be offered for these intentions as well.