Earlier this month, more than 20 priests from 17 dioceses around the country took a week of classes as part of the Master of Science in Ecclesial Administration and Management (MEAM) program.
Offered by the Busch School of Business and Economics, MEAM is a 30-credit degree program that prepares clergy for effective and efficient parish and diocesan leadership. The program consists of the week-long intensive immersion session as well online course work. In addition, daily Mass was celebrated during the week. Bishop Mario Dorsonville, of the Archdiocese of Washington and vice president for mission of Catholic Charities of Washington, concelebrated Mass one day during the week.
Classes provide information on fundraising, the transparent management of financial resources, the organization and management of employees, and effective communication strategies with the goal of promoting faithful stewardship and fostering growth through evangelization.
One of the participants, Monsignor Joe Celano, of Newark, N.J., described the MEAM program as “informative, challenging, and filled with [the] spirit of real priestly fraternity.”
Rev. Kevin Donovan, of Wolcott, Conn., said he was most excited “to be updated in understanding the administration of the parish, parish life, and management for personal and operations of a parish today.” Many of the participants noted the “bond that has been created among the priests who are participating in this first session,” said Father Donovan.
Find out more information about the program.