To the University Community:
As has been widely reported today, Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Cardinal Donald Wuerl as Archbishop of Washington. In his letter, the Pope commended Cardinal Wuerl for his commitment to “the good of the people entrusted to [his] care” and his concern for “the well-being and the unity of the People of God.”
Cardinal Wuerl has given many years of service to the University, first as a scholar, and later as chancellor, a position he held by virtue of his office as Archbishop of Washington. Now as apostolic administrator, Cardinal Wuerl will continue to serve as chancellor until the duties of archbishop are entrusted to another. As chancellor, Cardinal Wuerl led the restructuring of the Board of Trustees to increase lay oversight of the University, brought two popes to campus, and helped to make Catholic a model among ecclesiastical universities. We join with him in his statement that the change in leadership will enable the Church “to focus on healing and the future.”
These have been tumultuous times for our Church. At Catholic University we look forward to working with our next chancellor as we contribute to efforts to reform our Church. Let’s pray for one another.
John Garvey