The third installation of the Healing the Breach of Trust conference series at The Catholic University of America will address the root causes of the sexual abuse crisis.
The free daylong conference will be held Tuesday, March 26, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Heritage Hall (located in Father O’Connell Hall on the Catholic University campus). The event is being organized by The Catholic Project, an initiative of Catholic University to respond to the sexual abuse crisis.
The conference will be available via Livestream: https://livestream.com/CatholicUniversity/events/8592084
Two panels will explore the specific roles of clericalism and sexuality.
Those sessions will be complemented by a panel of experts in organizational behavior, who help analyze the present crisis in these terms.
Finally, a panel of Catholic journalists will discuss the broad range of narratives surrounding the crisis.
Healing the Breach of Trust is a four-part conference series to address the proper role of laity in the Church, the factors that led to the sex abuse crisis, and how the laity and the clergy can work together toward renewal.
All conferences are free, and lunch and refreshments will be provided.
MEDIA: To schedule an interview or attend this event, please RSVP Here.
Stephen White, Executive Director of The Catholic Project
Susan Timoney, Associate Dean, The Catholic University of America
Richard Gaillardetz, Boston College
Chad Pecknold, The Catholic University of America
Gary Weaver, University of Delaware
Michael Edward Brown, Penn State University
Brandon Vaidyanathan, The Catholic University of America
Fr. Paul Sullins, The Catholic University of America
Julie Hanlon Rubio, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
Matt Malone, SJ, America
Greg Erlandson, Catholic News Service
Jeanette DeMelo, National Catholic Register
9:00 a.m. – Welcome and introductory address: Navigating the Current Crisis
Stephen White, Executive Director of The Catholic Project, The Catholic University of America
Susan Timoney, Associate Dean, The Catholic University of America
9:45 a.m. – The Role of Power and Clericalism in the Crisis: Two Views
Richard Gaillardetz, Boston College
Chad Pecknold, The Catholic University of America
11:15 a.m. – Break
11:30 a.m. – The Perspective of Organizational Behavior on the Crisis
Gary Weaver, University of Delaware
Michael Edward Brown, Penn State University
Brandon Vaidyanathan, The Catholic University of America
1:00 p.m. – Lunch
2:00 p.m. – The Role of Sexuality and Sexual Teaching in the Crisis: Two Views
Fr. Paul Sullins, The Catholic University of America
Julie H. Rubio, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
3:30 p.m. – Roundtable Discussion: How Do We Reflect these Causes in Narratives in the Press?
Greg Erlandson, Catholic News Service
Jeanette DeMelo, National Catholic Register
Matt Malone, SJ, America
5:00 p.m. – End
ABOUT: The Catholic University of America is the national university of the Catholic Church and the only higher education institution founded by the U.S. bishops. Established in 1887 as a papally chartered graduate and research center, the University comprises 12 schools and 31 research facilities and is home to 3,332 undergraduate and 2,624 graduate students.
The Catholic Project is an initiative of The Catholic University of America dedicated to renewal and healing in the Church, through faithful collaboration between the laity and clergy, as co-responsible partners in the mission of the Church.