Facilities staff and contractors continue to advance design and construction projects even during the coronavirus pandemic. Their essential role supports keeping buildings and grounds safe, secure, clean, and functional. Mission critical maintenance and capital projects remain active, and staff overseeing them have adapted by utilizing online meeting platforms, observing social distancing requirements, and rotating shifts. Some highlights of our ongoing work are shown below.
The third and final cooling tower was lifted into place at the end of March 2020 — a milestone for the project and our contractor, Whiting-Turner.
Construction crews continue “the dig” for the installation of distribution piping that will deliver hot and chilled water to individual buildings. Nearly all campus facilities will be connected to the central boilers in the Power Plant for heating by the Fall of 2020.
The architect-engineer team, led by Perkins-Eastman, is nearly complete with their detailed construction documents phase. Construction contractor Manhattan is engaging with subcontractors, pressing forward through the permitting process, and overseeing utility relocations. Construction of the building foundation begins this summer. (Read more about the Dining Commons.)
Design development on the new residence hall continues with Perkins-Eastman. Pre-construction involvement by Manhattan Construction gives us real-time feedback on cost and constructability. The project teams are pursuing panelized structural and façade systems that can be fabricated in an off-site facility, trucked to the site and erected safely and efficiently. (Read more about the new residence hall.)
Selection of an architect-engineer team to provide design services is underway. The University is interviewing several potential firms in mid-April, with a decision targeted for the end of the month. (Read more about the new nursing building.)
Phase 1 of the Caldwell Exterior project (restoration/replacement of windows and doors on Caldwell main) took place over Summer 2019. Mobilization for Phase 2, which addresses the exterior of the Seton Wing, began at the end of March. Voith and Mactavish Architects are reviewing shop drawings while Patner Construction is erecting scaffolding.
The Crough Center for Architectural Studies is getting a facelift this spring. The stucco façade is being repaired and cleaned. In addition, several exterior doors will be replaced and handrails at the front entrance will be replaced.
Work has commenced on replacing deteriorating domestic water lines and expanding the system to support the addition of sprinkler systems designed in many of our Fire/Life Safety projects. Crews are currently working along Harewood Road.
In collaboration with the Conway School of Nursing, Facilities’ Environmental Health and Safety department donated 120 N99 masks, 20 biosafety spill kits, and 1,100 surgical masks to Holy Cross Hospital. (Read more about the donation.)
Custodial Services continues touch-point cleaning throughout campus facilities that house essential staff working to keep the University operational. Signage with social distancing and cleanliness guidelines are posted in common spaces.
Lead Landscape Maintenance Technician Jose Zarate made a cameo appearance in Red’s “We’ll Be Here to Welcome You” video.