Research Professor Monsignor Kevin Irwin, former dean of the School of Theology and Religious Studies, wrote the introduction to the Paulist Press publication of Pope Francis' latest encyclical, Fratelli tutti.
In the introduction, he urges readers of the encyclical to not just read it, but to "pray" it. The encyclical — which he calls a "quintessential Pope Francis document" — "is nothing less than about a way to reread and to live the Gospel for our times," he says. "What the pope writes is needed for us to survive not only the coronavirus pandemic (which is sparingly mentioned in a treatise far more wide ranging than even this death-dealing virus) but for the contemporary world to survive. It is that serious. It is that compelling. It is that demanding."
"This encyclical is an invitation for all of us to broaden our perspective to view a 'world without borders' (nn. 3-8) and to view every single person on the planet, and yes the planet itself, as brother and sister," Monsignor Irwin says. "Fratelli tutti is a profound encyclical. It can change minds and hearts. It can be one avenue to do nothing less than “renew the face of the earth.” Take and pray.
MEDIA: To arrange an interview with Monsignor Irwin (or other Catholic University experts), contact the Office of Communications at communications@cua.edu.