The Landmark Conference Presidents' Council has approved a plan to conduct collegiate competition in fall and spring sports during the 2021 spring semester. As consistent with all decisions at the conference level, the safety and well-being of student-athletes remains the primary goal of the Landmark Conference.
Decisions related to all athletics schedules will be subject to the realities of the pandemic as the coming seasons approach. Ultimately, it will be the decision of each Landmark institution as to whether they can participate in intercollegiate athletics this spring and in which sports they will permit competition.
The council approved fall team sports to participate in an expanded non-traditional season of up to four contests against fellow Landmark institutions that will begin for some institutions as early as Saturday, March 6.
The council also approved spring sports to move forward with their seasons as planned. Landmark Conference spring sports are slated to begin competition at the end of March. Full schedules for fall and spring sports will be shared as soon as they are finalized by the conference office and conference Athletic Directors.