Featuring Civil Rights Activist Chen Guangcheng
What can be done to protect human rights in China?
This question is at the forefront of today’s news and will be answered in a lecture titled, “Thirty Years after Tiananmen Square: Human Rights in China Today” hosted by Catholic University’s Institute for Human Ecology (IHE) and the University’s program in human rights.
The event will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 9, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Father O’Connell Hall, Heritage Hall, at Catholic University.
The lecture features Catholic University’s distinguished fellow, Chen Guangcheng, a Chinese civil rights lawyer, activist, and author of the memoir, The Barefoot Lawyer. Guangcheng will reflect on the developments since the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest. The protest was a student-led demonstration calling for democracy in China, which was interrupted with violence known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Following Guangcheng’s reflections, attendees will get a closer look into human rights issues in China with William Saunders, director of the University’s Center for Human Rights, followed by a Q&A. Guangcheng’s lecture is the second in the annual human rights lecture series; the first was given last September by Professor Robert George of Princeton University.
The Institute for Human Ecology is a leading academic institute committed to increasing scientific understanding of the economic, cultural, and social conditions vital for human flourishing in the Catholic perspective. As part of IHE’s mission, a new graduate program in human rights was initiated this year directed by Saunders.
To learn more about the lecture and to register, visit the Institute for Human Ecology website.
MEDIA: To attend the lecture or to schedule an interview, contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at communications@cua.edu or 202-319-5600.