To allow for proper social distancing measures on campus, the Events and Conference Services team has arranged to have three tents installed on campus.
Through Sept. 8, these locations are being used for food distribution. Once the quarantine has ended for resident students, the tents will be available to be reserved through 25Live for co-curricular programming (meetings, studying, presentations, etc.) by members of the University community. (Until 25Live is updated, please email all tent-related inquiries to cua-conferences@cua.edu.)
Two of the tents require a generator for power (and Wi-Fi), therefore limitations have been placed on power usage to conserve fuel. Please see locations and hours of operation below.
On Tuesday, Sept. 8, residential students will begin using the Great Room in the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center for socially distant dining and studying. The campus community is invited to consider hosting events they may have previously staged in those spaces in the outdoor tented areas instead.
Due to the impact COVID-19 has had on campus meeting space, the Events and Conference Services team reserves the right to modify the availability of each tent, and all campus meeting spaces, as needed during the Fall semester.