The University’s first priority is the safety of our community. The following strategies are in place to mitigate the risk of either catching or communicating COVID-19.
Vaccination: This is the most effective protection against getting COVID-19 and against infecting others. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to get vaccinated. Vaccine mandates will follow District and U.S. government requirements.
Boosters: A booster shot is recommended six months after your initial vaccination. The University encourages all members of the University community to get a booster vaccination when eligible.
Face Coverings: In accordance with revised guidance from the CDC and the District’s Department of Health, Catholic University no longer requires masking for most of the campus.
The mandate continues to be in effect in health facilities. On our campus, those health facilities include the Student Health Center, the COVID-19 testing center, and the counseling center.
Masking continues to be an option for those who have determined they need the extra protection of masking to keep themselves or others safe.
Testing: Anyone who experiences COVID-19 symptoms should get a test or consult with a medical professional to determine whether testing is necessary. Students are eligible for symptomatic testing at the University Testing Center, and should contact Student Health Services to make an appointment.
Isolation: We will continue to follow existing protocols to isolate and quarantine community members who are sick with COVID-19. Residential students will be moved to an isolation space on campus. Any student who tests positive should contact Human Resources.
Shared Community Responsibilities: The University articulated a set of Shared Community Responsibilities that are aimed at keeping Catholic University safe this year.
Physical Distancing: Try to maintain an appropriate social distance when you can, both indoors and out. In outside settings where social distancing is not possible, mask up.
Basic Hygiene: Before all else, remember to wash your hands, cover your nose/mouth when sneezing or coughing, and keep all high-touch surfaces clean or sanitized. This behavior is encouraged for all members of the community regardless of vaccination status.
COVID-19 Dashboard: We paused surveillance testing in May 2022. Our archived data is available on the COVID-19 dashboard webpage.
Cleaning: An emphasis on sanitizing high-touch areas across the University has become standard operating procedure. Most cleaning will be done during the overnight hours.
Academic and administrative facilities, including classrooms, will be cleaned and sanitized nightly. Offices will be cleaned weekly.
Residential Facilities will be cleaned and sanitized daily. Residential rooms, suites, and apartments are supplied with a disinfectant cleaning solution and cloth.
Portable germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) units that emit UVC lights are in use at various locations throughout the campus (athletics, health services, a few academic units such as labs and performance spaces).
Wall-mounted and stanchion hand sanitizers are everywhere on campus.
We have put disinfectant stations in academic, administrative, special use facilities, and residential common kitchens. The supplies are to be shared among the area/unit’s occupants. Return cleaning supplies to the station when you are finished using them.
Indoor Air Quality: Facilities staff evaluated and updated indoor air quality conditions of all campus buildings with the support of consulting architects and engineers. As a result of this study, we made air ventilation and filtration modifications in numerous locations across campus. We installed new filters at the highest grade possible for our equipment, mounted air handling equipment, and deployed portable air filtration units.
Facilities will continue routine maintenance protocols.
Sneeze Guards: Sneeze guards and barriers will remain in place across campus as requested. Offices can request additional barriers or changes to existing barriers through the University work-order system.
Please check the Facilities web page for updates and contact information.