The Division of University Communications offers assistance with publicizing events, research, and other news internally to the University community and off campus through news outlets. On-campus news outlets include the Latest News and Upcoming Events sections of the homepage of the University's website.
For more information about various publicity outlets, deadlines, and procedures to follow for seeking publicity, see the guidelines below.
NOTE: The Division of University Communications is the only entity authorized to send out news releases to off-campus media on behalf of the University and individual schools, departments, and programs. See below for guidelines on requesting news releases intended to generate news coverage.
Our office submits calendar items about University-sponsored events on campus to the free listings in local news outlets. Please submit your request for a calendar item at least one month in advance of the date that the notice should run.
To request a calendar item, send an email with essential information about an event (title and description of event, date/time, location, sponsor, contact person, and phone number, and whether an event is free or has a charge, and if it’s open to the public) to communications@cua.edu.
University Communications solicits coverage of events, research, and other news of interest to journalists with press releases, media advisories, tip sheets, and pitch emails.
Event organizers must obtain permission to invite the media from featured speakers and event participants. In some cases, speakers do not wish to be photographed or quoted by the media. It is the event organizer's responsibility to find out before contacting our office seeking media coverage if it will be acceptable to event participants.
To invite media to an event, send an email with essential information (title and description of event, date/time, location, sponsor, contact person, phone number, whether the event is free or has a charge and if it's open to the public) to communications@cua.edu.
Please give University Communications at least a month’s lead time. For major events and arts/entertainment performances, please give our office at least eight weeks notice. Very late requests may not be fulfilled.
For more information about publicity, contact the Division of University Communications at communications@cua.edu or 202-319-5600.