The chart below shows the number of COVID-19 tests administered to Catholic University students by Student Health Services, as well as the number of positive results and the number of test results pending for each period.
← Scroll or swipe chart for more data.
Total Positive Cases since Aug. 24, 2020 143
Students living on campus: 56
Students living off campus: 87
Total Tests since Aug. 24, 2020 2,019
Estimated Recovered |
Estimated Active Active on campus: 0
Active off campus: 0
NOTE: The number of tests conducted includes surveillance testing of student athletes. We continue to test symptomatic or recently-exposed students (and their close contacts) at our student testing center. Surveillance testing is the intentional testing of non-symptomatic students.
The chart below shows the number of Catholic University students who have self-reported positive COVID-19 test results from an off-campus testing center. The nature, quality, and reliability of testing conducted independent of the University can vary widely, with different chances for false positives. We are including this information in our regular reporting in the interest of full transparency, hoping it will continue to inform sound decision making on the part of all members of the community.
← Scroll or swipe chart for more data.
Total Positive Self-Reported Cases since Aug. 24, 2020 99
Students living on campus: 7
Students living off campus: 92
Students who receive a positive COVID test result from an off-campus testing center should inform the Dean of Students so that we can provide support. We encourage students to also contact Student Health Services for additional medical guidance or if their condition is worsening or not improving. Faculty and staff who receive a report from a student that they have tested positive for COVID should also inform the Dean of Students. |