Catholic University’s 15th President will step down after 12 years of service on June 30 of this year. John Garvey’s legacy includes unprecedented growth and transformation, and most importantly, an unwavering love for Catholic University.
With no official title, but as someone who wears many hats, Jeanne Garvey has become invaluable to University life. During her time at Catholic University, Jeanne Garvey has built rapport with students and been a friend to them on campus.
Learn MoreFor five decades, The House has been a cornerstone of student life at Catholic University. From Friday night social events to spaghetti dinners and Tuesday night Mass, the Campus Ministry institution is a well-established destination for fellowship.
Read the ArticleAnthropology Professor Laura Masur says her work — which includes digging for artifacts at sites of former slave plantations owned by the Jesuits — does not lead to “a comfortable or easy history.” But in connecting descendants to their ancestors, she finds the rewards that can come with documenting the stories of slaves with dignity.
Read the Article
Dan Renzetti, Yale University
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The Catholic University of America
Division of University Communications
CatholicU Magazine
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