Co-authored by Aldo A. Glean, John A. Judge, Joseph F. Vignola, and Teresa J. Ryan. This article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 117.5 (Feb. 2015), p. 054505. This paper describes a method for detecting the presence of very small amounts of mass (such as pollutants, chemical or biological weapons, etc.) by observing changes in the vibration behavior of collections of microresonators when the targets of interest stick to the surface of one of more of the microresonators.
Learn MoreCo-authored with Carolyn Q. Judge and published in Journal of Ship Research 57.2 (2013), pp. 75–83. This paper describes an experiment measuring properties of high-speed planing boats that effect the roll behavior of such craft. High-speed boats that plane on the water surface rather than sit low in the water are subject to a variety of instabilities and potentially dangerous behavior, and this study was part of an effort to understand such phenomena.
Learn MoreCo-authored by Teresa Ryan, Patrick O’Malley, Aldo Glean, Joseph Vignola, and John Judge. This article was published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132.5 (Nov. 2012), pp. 3494–3501. This paper presented a study of the vibration patterns of a Caribbean steelpan drum, measured using a unique 5-axis laser vibrometry system developed at CUA. The system measures vibration of the test specimen using a laser beam that can be steered to strike the target at any location and from any angle, enable reconstruction of the complete vibration pattern of the object.
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